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I can also be found on the microblog fediverse at @[email protected] or on matrix at

  • 76 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2023


  • So, in its current form, lemmy sends federation packets in serial form. It can send them to multiple instances in parallel, but the feed between any two given instances is serial.

    And serial means that the second packet doesn’t get sent until the first packet has been processed. Add in geographic latency, which is relevant at multiple steps of resolving any given AP packet, which adds to the per packet processing time, and now, is producing packets faster than it’s possible for a geographically remote instance to process them, no matter what hardware they’re running on.

    The problem would be resolved with parallel sending, but that’s not currently a thing that lemmy allows for, and apparently, is not trivial to implement either.

  • It’s a computational mode in the camera. It takes an initial photo, and then a series of photos of equal length, and composites any new light on the subsequent photos on the first. In this case, from memory, it’s 5 photos at one second exposure each.

    Basically, it lets you do a long exposure, without blowing out static light sources.

    There’s a slight post processing change to the colour, to bring out the orange/teal effect, but it’s pretty subtle

    Edit - FYI, your reply was tagged as German, which means that non german speakering lemmy users probably won’t see it, because most instances hide replies of languages the user doesn’t speak

  • I use digikam with sidecar files on my main photo editing PC.

    We sync this directory with a media server on the local network that enables all of the local devices to access the photos and tags. In theory, it means we could run digikam on another device as well, and sync data between them via updates to the sidecar files, but in practice, we don’t do this and the media server is effectively read only.

    Then, we sync the media server images with a photoprism instance that we have running on external hosting. Photoprism recognises the keywords and sidecar data from digikam, which lets me search and access the images from anywhere.

  • I’m a raging extrovert, and aside from workmates, I don’t think I have any cishet people in my regular circles.

    I’ve got social circles again now, post covid, but they’re not the same as they were before covid. The local queer community used to have lots of events, and that used to be my connection to queer folks closer to my age, but a lot of that has dried up and then restarted, but now with a younger focus. And whilst I’m happy to be the elder queer who transitioned ages ago, it’s not so great for connecting with folk of my own generation.

    But I still have lots of friends from then.

    I used to play roller derby, and that’s gone from my life now (too old to start again), but I still love my running, and I’m a parkrun regular, which brings me around lots of people every week.

    Work also gives me a lot of my extrovert social outlet needs :)