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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Crosscode. It’s not required, but they do encourage you to race against NPCs in the puzzle-heavy dungeons. I thought I had finally won one when the boss of the dungeon smoked me three times, and then I got mocked for being the last out of the dungeon. Also, I’m 27 hours in, and the plot that everyone raves about has gone absolutely nowhere. I put the game down a few months back and haven’t gone back. Maybe I’ll pick it up again since it seems a lot of people love something about it, but aside from some interesting combat, I wasn’t feeling it at all.

  • Often, all this music software is used in solitude

    Beethoven composed in solitude, too.

    Yes, there’s something about a live performance that can’t exactly be reproduced jamming with yourself in your bedroom, but that doesn’t mean that great music can’t come out of both processes.

    Beato is definitely channeling a little “git offa mah lawwn!” vibes. The reason we don’t get any more Led Zeppelins or Pink Floyds or whichever brand of classic rock he worships at the altar of isn’t because there aren’t talented musicians making music. It’s because the circumstances that those artists thrived under no longer exist, and likely never will again.

  • Kevin J. Anderson’s Saga of the Seven Suns. I started reading it a long time ago, got about twenty pages in and gave up. Much later, I forgot I had tried, and tried again, and got even fewer pages in when I remembered how it is chock full of the most inane pandering exposition I have ever read. Just a torrent of trite, hackneyed, cliché. I can’t understand how it got published, let alone warranted 7 books. Maybe it gets better. I will never find out. I haven’t heard much good about the Dune books he co-authored, either.

    I should add that I’ve read Battlefield Earth, and actually enjoyed it. I generally do not have super high standards. If something is entertaining, I’ll give it a chance.