• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Kids don’t care about it being super accurate to the source though, they see the Minecraft world with loads of blocks and blocky looking animals, and it’s close enough. Then the Minecraft logo appears, and they’re sold.

    In your example, they would probably just hand wave it away as the mega blocks being different Lego blocks, and possibly get excited that there might be new Lego coming

  • I read an Arthur C Clarke book a few years ago, and it was based around a device that could see anything, anywhere, some sort of microscopic portal I think. One of the characters used it to look back in time following someone’s DNA, so seeing their mother, then their mother’s mother and so on, and eventually saw the intelligence disappear from the distant ancestors eyes. I’m wording it badly, but the idea stuck with me.

    I’d love to know when that first spark of intelligence showed up, that separated us from animals, and what our ancestors either side of that divide did differently and similarly. I doubt that there would have been any significant differences at first, but those subtle differences could be fascinating :)

  • From the two photos you’ve posted, it looks like there’s a little bit of the grooves left in the top of the screw, but not enough for your screwdriver to grip.

    Try the rubber band trick first, mainly because it doesn’t cost you anything other than a rubber band to try. The combination of the little bits of the grooves and the grip from the band might do it.

    If it doesn’t, a sacrificial screwdriver might work. You basically need to file off the pointy tip of the screwdriver until it can reach what’s left of the grooves, and unscrew it with a bit of downward pressure.

    Good luck 👍