• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024

  • For me, the worst is either Batman and Robin, or the first 30 minutes of The Killing Joke where Batman fucked Batgirl (say what you will about their relationship, it is just plain weird of them to become romantically involved).

    As for the Dark Knight Rises, I see where you’re coming from. I think Nolan directed the last movie in such a way so that people would not crave for another sequel. It’s not bad, but it is not titilating. A lot of directors “underperform” on their works so that the audience would not demand for another. Some movies just doesn’t deserve more sequels than needed.

  • To be honest, even proselytisation can come off as being condescending. A Christian is basically telling to the person “my religion is better than yours. You are a sinful person and you will be cast into the fires of hell. It will not happen to you if you accept Jesus as lord and saviour!” And it is not like evangelisation is done out of pure power of persuasive words and good teachings from the bible alone. Aside from threat of eternal damnation, many missionnaries tend to incentivise people by offering food or help, in exchange for the locals to listen to proselytisation.

  • The person you replied to said “subsidized”, which implies what you just explained. The US military provides support to movies and TVs. However, it would be naive to think that the military still doesn’t try to influence the production. It’s been a long time since I have listened to it but there was a podcast mentioning “Zero Dark Thirty” having influence from the CIA; and the movie is about justifying torture to get results for “the greater good”. This is in spite of the report commissioned during the Obama era that torture never yielded any significant results.

  • On the one hand, others pointed out that it could also be an acquired trait from watching streamers censoring themselves to prevent de-monitisation. Though I admit that I’m a millennial who grew up in a very profane Internet environment and people didn’t take things too seriously, unlike today. So there could be generational differences going on.

    We getting old, fam!