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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2024


  • It would halve it or worse. ASUS makes a few models with built in internal batteries which work quite well.

    The type that latch onto your existing laptop display are really not great. They put a huge amount of extra force on the hinge where tons of sensitive ribbon cables live and you are severely limited in viewing angle. Not to mention you can’t move the monitor around in a tight work space or disconnect it easily to hit the field.

    A standalone portable monitor is the best solution IMO. The nicer models come with adjustable stands, protective travel cases, and USB-C DP pass through functionality.

  • You think you’re pissed off now, wait til you find out those slackers are making more money than you and will be promoted ahead of you because, well you do such good work, how would they ever find a good replacement?

    This following sentences are something that took me years to fully internalize, thankfully it didn’t take more.

    Nobody on their deathbed ever said “I wish I worked more unpaid overtime”. Nobody grieving at a funeral ever said “I wish I spent more time at work instead of with them”.

    And nobody at your company ever said “I wish I paid you more”.

  • Having engineering controls like those balls is generally a good idea and promotes safety.

    Unfortunately having a safety indicator be completely unpredictable in appearance (like art) at every different airport, or even every gate at the same airport, not as good of an idea.

    But the real answer is that installing art costs more than $0 and 0 seconds, so nobody making the decisions cares.

  • unironically supports a landlord hoarding homes in order to rent seek just because the individual was a good person, completely ignoring the billions of workers this system exploits and kills every day

    comes up with some ridiculous straw man tirade that would never exist as an argument in reality in order to blame this on “tankies”

    still genuinely believes they’re a good person in spite of all this

    Ah yes, all the hallmarks of a true liberal.

    You do realize that it’s completely embarrassing when you liberals do this?

    The thing about leftist critique of capital is that it’s all valid and based on real fucking shit that happens in real life and is verifiably true today.

    When you liberals show up trying to use your cute little sneers under a facade of facts and logic, it completely self-reports how you don’t really give a shit about anything. You don’t believe in anything except yourself.

    And the fact that, over and over, you remain completely oblivious to that glaring disconnect between your smug liberal superiority complex and the completely ridiculous easily debunked statements you make, honestly says more about you than what you commented.

  • I will never, never get tired of these CHUDdy types self-reporting every time.

    “It has never been shady,” commenting on a post about one of the largest scams of all time lmfao

    Oh yes, it’s just as good as money, it’s a real currency and totally not vapor as long as you act as your own bank and maintain ironclad digital and physical security, never slipping up a single time. Oh and your savings (because this is a currency) are completely uninsured. Totally reasonable asks to make of an average consumer.

  • I sent 4-8 tailored applications every weekend for over 6 months to find my current role. Background is an accredited Bachelors in Engineering with several years experience for context.

    It’s a marathon, not a sprint - 2 real leads in 5 apps is incredible.

    What you’re asking is how to internalize the reality of living under late stage capitalism. There is no easy answer to be provided here.

    Personally, already being in a shit role helped motivate me to keep building my resume, taking on even more projects, and keep hunting.

    It makes it even funnier when they see this dedicated incredible profitable hard worker turn in their two weeks out of the blue. Last time I did it, two warehouses had to close because the replacement was not up to par and they lost the account lmfao.