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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Ganon is dope and I enjoy the pic of him sitting in the flower pot.

    A story from Ganons past that you might not know. He was born to a tribe that normally only birth the female gender. Ganon was born and they all new he was their chosen one. Their leader. Ganon rallied his tribe together. You see they were living in harsh desert living conditions. The whole time there was more land to live on with actually trees and soil to harvest. Even less scary monsters, but the rest of the people living in the land didn’t want Ganon or his tribe to live a nice and relaxing life. They condemned Ganon and his kind to the desert.

    Until Ganon fought back and his tribe tasted freedom for a bit. The traveled over the grass, swam in the rivers, and even hung out behind some waterfalls. Ganon eventually got beat back by some young kid that loves shouting and breaking jars. Ganon took the loss like a champion and learned from his mistakes. His tribe is forever grateful for the time they were able to hangout in the green fields of Hyrule.

  • No.

    If you want police reform, look to California and gun reform. We would have to convince people of color and poor people to join the police in RECORD numbers at the same time organize and protest against using tax dollars to pay for shitty cop cases. The bad cops will be replaced but it would take a long time for the systemic leadership to be replaced. Honestly though, if you replace the patrols then a lot of change would happen. The racist old leadership might just shut up till they retire.

    Shit, pass a law stating all police court cases with the police found at fault, must be paid by the police union. Eventually the bad cops will get fired and replaced with younger cops. Then when the police are looking more like the people they are policing, then laws will be passed to hold cops accountable.

  • That’s what happened to Rockefeller and Carnegie. After, I think, Vanderbilt died Rockefeller and Carnegie got into a competition to see who can give away the most money. They donated buildings, money, and all sorts of stuff till they died. The thing is, they were making so much money through their businesses they ended up with more money when they died.

    Of course this “change of heart” the 2 had was after decades of competing to be the richest man in the world. They accomplished this by not paying workers enough, and even making production more dangerous. The steel workers were being injured at a rate of 1 in 9. They should have been taxed properly to begin with and pay their workers better instead of calling pinkertons to shoot them when they striked.

    The Pinkerton/steel workers were Carnegie. Rockefeller had his own problems, include running newspaper articles saying electricity is dangerous and burns down houses, so stick with Rockefeller kerostine lamps or other trusted oil products.