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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • How the fuck is this country even still standing at this point with this chicanery and buffoonery at the reigns?

    Basically because various parts of the government were pitted against each other, by design. Various organizations and levels of government have their own objectives, interests and resources and operate with varying amounts of independence and interdependence. It’s frankly messy and creates some inefficiency, but it’s sort of like biodiversity - a problem that impacts part of the government doesn’t impact all of it in the same way or at the same time, so it doesn’t completely collapse or grind to a halt.

  • i just feel like she’ll hate me upon first sight

    Do not trust the self-doubt. The self-doubt lies to you to get your attention. Do not listen to the self-doubt.

    and then also what if she ghosts me or stands me up like in the films. what then? add it to the list of failures and try to rebuild my self image?

    Then life continues. The "what if"s aren’t worth your time. Making an attempt is never a failure. You might not get the outcome that you hope for, but that is not a failure and it does not make you a failure.

    OP you sound a bit like you’re spiraling in anxiety. If you have someone in your life that you can talk to that helps you get calm and centered, please do that.

    Don’t go to this date thinking it might be your only chance for romance or whatever. That’s too much pressure on you, and on her.

    Go to the date with the mindset of meeting a new friend and getting to know them. Go to meet the other person, as they are, in that moment, and be in the moment with them.

  • Absolutely, a single hospital for an entire country would not work. But also, small clinics on every street corner would not work because none of them would be able to support more complex/expensive functions like surgical wards, FMRI or biochem labs. The hospital needs to be scaled so that it can support those things, but then it only makes sense for it to serve a larger community because it’s going to need a large staff and a substantial budget - so it needs to be at least locally centralized.

    As you said, there’s a critical size.

  • If everything is completely decentralized then it essentially means that each person is providing for themselves… including basic services like water and waste processing. Centralizing these things makes sense, they’re more efficient when operated at scale, and there are significant benefits to task specialization. And frankly, you don’t want decentralized medical care - you want big, modern, well-funded hospitals with the latest technology, which means centralized locations and management.

    Decentralizing services doesn’t make sense. Individual residence solar panels are substantially less productive than large-scale solar plants. Services like energy, water, medicine and waste handling should be concentrated and publicly funded - but then that means you need to collect public funds and then decide how to use them, and that means government. The larger the public project is that you want to build, the larger the government around it has to be.