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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I remember having a conversation with a former friend a while ago, and he, as a guy who worked for a certain company that makes most of its revenue from delivering ads, spoke about requiring use of front facing camera and using eye tracking technology to ensure you’re actually watching the ads and not going somewhere else while the ads play. If you aren’t looking at the ad, it will play another ad afterwards.

    He spoke about it as something he is looking forward to, since it would increase revenue. Pretty sure he was pitching this idea to his boss hoping to get a promotion.

  • At least 60% of my internet time is YouTube. I rely on it for entertainment, news, education, discovering music, technical help, ETC…

    Could I live a meaningful life without it? Probably, people have been living meaningful lives before the invention of the computer in general… But I wouldn’t give it up because there is an immense amount of incredible content there that genuinely makes my life better.

  • I think it depends on how good your sense of smell is. Mine is really bad, so if I had my eyes covered and was wearing noise cancelling headphones, I wouldn’t be able to tell if there are people in my area unless they haven’t showered in a while… Being able to distinguish between people? I can’t even differentiate between the smells of popcorn and peanut butter.

    On the other hand, I know someone who was able to smell a “coppery” smell on someone which no one else notice. Eventually she convinced him to see a doctor and they found a rare condition that I can’t remember which.

  • Probably because iOS is extremely dominant in North America, and iMessage is preinstalled on every iPhone. To talk to someone on WhatsApp or any other chat app, installing the app isn’t enough, but you also need the other person to have it. Since in North America’s most popular mobile OS is iOS, people don’t feel the need to install another app.

    On Android on the other hand, Google didn’t enable RCS by default until 2023. RCS has existed before iMessage and even before WhatsApp, but it was poorly marketed. I, as a fairly tech savvy person, only heard about RCS in 2022 when headlines about it were flooding my feed.

    Google is also partly to blame, since they had so many chat services that were available simultaneously and almost all of them were short-lived. Google Talk, Google+ Hangout, Google Hangout, Google Chat, Google Meet, Google Duo, and Google Allo. Not to mention the other chat apps that flooded the app store, like WhatsApp, Line (which is very dominant in Japan), Facebook messenger, Telegram…

  • Yeah, not surprised at all. I know many people for whom Facebook is 90% of their internet usage, and some people I know use the words ‘Facebook’ and ‘internet’ interchangeably. Personally, I deleted my account well over a decade ago.

    I wonder if we could see how many new users each year (without bots), I’d wager their growth is pretty stagnant because they already have so many users that nearly every person has an account.

  • Flipping an individual bit through radiation is extremely easy, which is why we need error corrections, but despite that, we still get errors… Even if the probability of an error bypassing the ECC is extremely low, over a long enough timescale it will happen often enough to evolve. Especially in space where there is no atmosphere or magnetic field to reduce it.