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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • Saying “maybe people are the problem” is reductive and unhelpful. But I agree with you broadly, religion is just a system or a tool, it can be used for good or evil.

    To judge if religion is a good system or a bad one, we can use a cost benefit analysis. This is what we have been attempting to do in this thread.

    But when it comes to sensitive subjects like religion, many people have a tendency to avoid, overlook, and deny the associated costs.

  • Anti-science, misogyny, etc may be bad independently of religion, but they aren’t independent of religion. Religion is a source of these problems.

    You can imagine a hypothetical religion that is simply a “social club” or whatever, but here in the real world religion comes with baggage.

    Religion is why my cousin’s children have never seen a doctor in their life. Religion is why my gay friend in high school tried to kill himself. Religious indoctrination has led to lifelong shame and trauma in many of my friends.

    And this was just from a “moderate” sect of Christianity- the millions living under fundamentalist religion have it even worse.

  • But that explanation is lost to time.

    One translation I read suggested a probable explanation.

    Rasputin’s phone advice was the same as many modern quacks: keep the patient away from modern medicine and doctors.

    So the hemophiliac prince was no longer given his normal cocktail of drugs, which probably included a new medicine for the time: aspirin.

    Stop giving a blood thinner to a hemophiliac and his condition (temporarily) improved. The best explanation for the people at the time was “magic”.

  • Civil war? Not even close.

    Outright corruption? Business interests have always ruled the country, this is not new.

    The bigger picture is that America is the most violent country since Nazi Germany. No other country comes close to our death toll. We spend $1trillion each year on violence and weapons- and those bombs must be dropped, because we need a reason to spend >$1trillion next year.

  • I would start with MLK, collected essays, no one writes about protest more eloquently.

    A Peoples History of the United States by Howard Zinn gives a great broad overview.

    Death in the Haymarket by James Green is a great history of the first decades of the labor movement.

    Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Leadership in Turbulent Times goes in depth on LBJ and the civil rights movement.

    On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau for the classic philosopher’s take.

    We’ve Got People by Ryan Grim details the successes and failures of the movement in the last decade.