And the messages on the bullets were put there to throw the police off the scent? Nah, that’s way too much tinfoil for me.
Cronenberg Crash is better.
I wish, but I wager most people will immediately get married to Bluesky.
The movie was a total bomb back in the day. There’s a review saying that it’s even worse than Blade Runner (which came out on the same day and was also intensely disliked). It almost destroyed Carpenter’s carrier. They hated it so much they nominated fucking Morricone for a Razzie (some unused tracks were later used by Tarantino in The Hateful Eight and won an Oscar…).
Especially when there is not skill involved.
Pretty sure they made a video game series about that.
Yeah, I imagine.
There is no screenshot. You are imagining it. Fuck you and your screenshot!
I think it might be American thing.
Why? Just cos.
And now for something completely different.
Username checks out.
I never really played MtG, but I love reading about degenerate combos. My favourite uses an unglued (or un- something) card that can remove any card with a silver border you can see from your seat from play. Doesn’t have to be a card in the game you’re playing, other people nearby as valid targets.
The silver border part makes sure it can only be played on other silly un- cards, but there’s a combo with a card allowing to change a colour in an effect to something else, meaning with a bit of support from a few other cards you could technically use this to nuke all cards in all unrelated games around you.