That’s what the de-eyeing tip of the vegetable peeler is for.
Everyone’s an adult, nothing’s weird until things get weird.
Search (with some double checking), rough drafting and frameworks, templates, and scripting.
That’s pretty much how it works. I don’t know if it’s really a should/shouldn’t conversation per se. Money is still getting donated to the needy, it’s just also kind of undercutting what the company should be doing in terms of taxes and stuff. And some people just can’t get themselves to make the time to donate directly.
That said, 100%, if you can get yourself to make the time to donate directly to a cause, that is absolutely undeniably better than letting the company do the roundup thing and you should totally do that instead.
Hobby oriented stuff. Take a look at or public recurring Facebook events. From a nerdy perspective also; Game stores that host groups and events public clubs like I have a monthly anime club near me for instance.
When everyone else is wrong/the asshole/misunderstanding, it’s time for self assessment.
If you are going to go down that route at least acknowledge, as part of your question, that you’ve read the posted info and are confirming rather than asking blind. The seller’s time is valuable too and they are potentially dealing with this same conversation 20 times over.
Whiskers, Salem, Boots, Telemain. ❤️
It’s contextualizing, things suck, that’s real and gets acknowledged, not dismissed, they can suck more and probably do for other people, this is also real. It doesn’t make the suck you are experiencing magically better but it does put into a wider context and helps to show that you, likely, aren’t at rock bottom without any hope. Your actions and headspace matter. They won’t magically make everything great, but they can easily be the difference between bad and legitimately “ok” or better.
I’m trying to be better about checking out content in the Ground News app to see some right wing content. Not great about right now though. I don’t want to go to any communities because, especially when it’s detached from the news sources, they always come off as next level crazy. Sometimes the news does too, but at least the grammar is decent.
This is a big one. Its probably doomed to imperfection and hold out Mods who don’t want to do it but I think some kind of Community Sync option would be huge.
I’m guessing their excuse would be some BS statement about voter fraud and “dead people voting”. Obviously they don’t want to be identified.
Based on some of the legal and technical aspects of what people have said here, I wonder if it might still capture some of the essence of what you’re trying for, to do a proper cremation and then have the ashes poured into a boat, possibly in a fancy or ceremonial way, that is then burned. Or the ashes could be in a burnable urn and placed into the boat.
I think there’s a lot that you could do with staging and design that would allow the event to have very similar gravitas despite the lack of a full body.
I did not consent to this photo being taken!
That’s actually kind of a good point, if a horror is far enough literally beyond our comprehension. Is it really a horror?
I thought so but I’m not getting a search result.
Short term, bigger may be better for initial discoverability and federation.