Is Ukraine murdering Russians? Is Palestine murdering Israelis? Would it be murder if they killed Putin or Netanyahu?
It’s not execution, it’s class war.
In the classroom, on the floor, before class started, and was woken up when class was over.
I appreciate the great info listed here. And yes absolutely to your conclusion. I am wondering your thoughts on the Trump admin’s ability to come collect / how that might affect me long term.
The more people who don’t pay the harder it’d be for them to enforce it. How does accepting the situation now help me change the situation for the future?
Thank you daddy please spank me more
All the adults in my life told me (an 18yo kid) if I wanted to have a decent future I would have to sign that contract for an unknown amount of debt (it’s just student loans you’re not borrowing a specific amount until you’re actually done with school). I was told the job I would get would be able to pay for that loan (which was not true), and the loan started accruing interest before I even got that mythical job to pay for it. How is any of that my fault?
I think I acknowledged that first paragraph. But is the new administration going to have the manpower to do anything about it?
Why should we be accepting shitty predatory practices? We regularly protect people from the decisions they’re not adequately prepared for, as I think we should.
At one point when I heard that it was the only way to get forgiveness, I moved all my debt from a third party to being a government loan. Does that change anything?
At one point when I heard that it was the only way to get forgiveness, I moved all my debt from a third party to being a government loan. Does that change anything?
Why did this comic make me look at panel 4 before panel 3?
Duke Nukem for PS3
I wish I could understand German. Because the video seems fun and yeah that’s a pretty odd setting for a show that large.
The police are typically just there to point guns, so I’d only call if I thought a gun was useful, which is extremely rare.
e: I’m answering from the USA
I would absolutely change that stance if we took guns away from cops and stopped giving them military training. Especially if they had a social worker / deescalation force that was more likely to be sent.
I agree with princess opossum
I was expecting this to be a story of an issue, but this is actually really encouraging for what single payer could look like. The time scale isn’t great, but it’s pretty comparable to what I’ve experienced and heard about from friends here in the “efficient” private US system.
That’s a naive statement.