I’m a programmer and amateur radio operator.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Fun fact about that: in morse code, SOS is a prosign. This means it gets its own special rules.

    Rather than being three seperate letters (… — …), it’s one letter without any letter spaces (…—…). This is something that applies to all prosigns in morse code, though most of them are just two letters long.

    Also, when sending it on repeat you just continue the pattern without any spaces. Instead of …—… …—… (with a letter space) or …—…/…—… (with a word space), you send …—…—…—…—… and just keep continuing the pattern. iirc SOS is the only prosign where this is a thing.

    Other prosigns are for example HH (…) to indicate a correction to something previously sent, and SK (…-.-) (silent key) to signal that you have finished with the current conversation and the frequency is now clear.

  • Can I take one end of a cable with me?

    What’s the max power I can get from the sockets?

    Where does the eject button dump people and can it be set to dump things other than people as well?

    Does time continue inside the pocket dimension if no one is inside?

    What’s the internal temperature/humidity? Is it regulated?

    Can I choose what I take with me, or is it just everything im wearing/carrying?

    Questions aside, I would fill it with all sorts of stuff that I might need at some point, but leave enough space for a bed and a desk.