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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • My mortality! Hit 45 this year and it kinda feels like it’s all downhill from here.

    Health is ok but that seems tenuous as I’m pretty out of shape so I feel like I’m not “set up” yet to be a healthy older person. When something does go wrong I’m not sure if I should worry about getting it treated or just live with it.

    It seems futile to learn new skills and such since I’m not sure about the payoff (ROI).

    Family/kids/job/money are all pretty great so I don’t have anything to complain about, but I’m still kind of feeling like I’m about to crest the hill of life and want to ensure I’m making the best of it and prepared for my eventual demise.

    I don’t want to die! I really like being alive and kind of wish I had immortality (with a safety kill switch of course so I don’t have to endure the heat-death of the universe or get stuck inside a star somewhere lol)

  • I see you excluded the guy across the street singing in his loud PA system for tips, as well as his 800 friends doing the same thing within a 1 mile radius.

    (Sorry couldn’t help it. Just visited NOLA and it was cool, but I’ll be happy if I never have to hear another 11-year-old drumming as loud as he can on a Home Depot bucket.)

  • I fuckin HATE ayn rand, but those workers are being paid for their labor, they’re not slaves. If that labor provides a little profit or a lot of profit is up to good or bad business practices of the company they’re working for, and doesn’t need to be shared with them outright, unless it happens naturally as a result of supply/demand making their labor more valuable (because otherwise they’d just go somewhere else where they will be paid more).

    The crux here is that for this to happen appropriately, we need to be living in an ideal world with appropriate laws, no corruption, exploitation, loopholes, bribing, lobbying, etc. and we do not currently live in that world, so the above is just theoretical.

  • Funny, in all honesty, and I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but it sounds like you’re creating your own problem here. You’ve got a self fulfilling prophecy kind of thing happening where you’re already determined to have a terrible time going out to eat with friends/colleagues so you ensure that’s exactly what happens.

    Try to be more easy going and patient, and try to make a connection with those around you. Going out to eat is rarely about the food, it’s about the company. And I agree, small talk is insufferable, but it helps establish a base from which you can launch into more significant or more intimate subjects of discussion. It’s a hoop to have to jump though in order to earn the rewards of camaraderie.

    Good luck my anonymous friend – you can do it!

  • Check yourself dude. The mere fact that you say “it’s doubtable these are in the majority” shows EXACTLY what you think of sex work. Your attitude of “ugh that’s so pitiful, no one would do that willingly, they must be forced into it” is fucking offensive.

    Millions of people feel stuck in their jobs and “don’t feel like they have much choice.” Walmart, coffee shops, data entry, whatever. But if it’s sex work, all of a sudden it’s something to be ashamed of?

    Yeah, sure there’s trafficking out there, and that is horrible. But don’t conflate the two. Don’t just assume that someone doing sex work is being trafficked. Just like you don’t constantly assume someone doing any other job must also be a trafficked slave or something. Get it?

  • I want to live in a world where no one feels they are struggling so much that they need to turn to selling their body for sex.

    You see, that’s the problem. You are implicitly devaluing sex work compared to other professions. You’re not acknowledging that some people actually want to, and choose to do sex work. There’s nothing wrong whatsoever with someone choosing prostitution, stripping, escort, etc.

    Could you say your same statement about being a lawyer? A teacher? An engineer?

    “I want to live in a world where no one feels they are struggling so much that they need to turn to being an engineer.”

    You see how weird that sounds? So why can you say it about sex work? Do you see how derisive you’re being toward it as a profession? Funny that you say you’re supportive while implying that what they’re doing is a last resort…🤦‍♂️