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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • You actually could have a couple seconds in the hard vacuum of space before you pass out. I’ve even heard it’s more hypoxia that you would die from in space and you should be able to be revived if the exposure was less than a minute or something.

    Mars should be less deadly, as long as the sun isn’t visible. (No magnetosphere = deadly solar radiation)

  • Did you read the article?

    It explains that their daughter’s experience more or less opened their eyes to the treatment as a whole. (As in not just their family) It may be spun that way, but for two (likely groomed) 70’s+ republicans in a primarily red state, to have any diverging beliefs from their party is a good thing. It shows that the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, while admittedly slow (and shouldn’t be necessary), is showing progress, even if it’s small.

    As another user mentioned, they could have just disowned their granddaughter, like a lot of bigots do. I’ve seen it happen and know a few people that it happened to. It’s not a good feeling being alone in the world because your family doesn’t agree with your identity.

    I say that while the fight is still going on, we can at least enjoy this, albeit tiny, victory.

  • Depending on how the event is spun (story-wise), an attempt like this could make the other candidate’s party seem unhinged enough that one of their members would do (and apparently fail badly at) this. This, making the target, and their party by association, seem more noble than thay may be.

    To a lot of people, whether the shooting is or isn’t affiliated doesn’t really get questioned no matter what they hear, as what party would hurt itself? They’ll immediately think there is some conspiracy (the human psychology loves these rabbit holes) to make it seem like any favoring affiliation to the target’s political side is staged by the other.