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Cake day: August 19th, 2023

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldNice
    9 days ago

    Hahahaha. “processing”. Mmmmhhhmmm. Yep. We have all processed and dealt with the trauma of losing millions of people including friends and family and half of our country actively denying it and gaslighting us. And we’ve also had therapy and really healed from having the curtain of capitalism yanked back and seeing the reality and then just going “back to normal” and pretending everything is fine and we definitely aren’t ignoring the exploding inflation & housing cost & food cost, stagnant pay, while watching a belligerent narcissistic racist sexist conman felon still be close in the polls for president despite using a global pandemic to cash in some gains at the cost of our lives, attempting a coup and countless other horrific activities. And the planet is on fire and we could stop it, but a few people REALLY want to get a 7th yacht and go to space for fun so we’re gonna do that instead. And that’s fine. Did I mention we’re all being exploited for our labor and getting less than enough to live on in return? And AI is about to fuck up all our shit because we aren’t prepared. And it could be amazing and do a million tedious tasks people do and let us all have more free time, nah let’s let corporations exploit that too and throw us under the bus as they speed by with all the benefits we made for them. And did I mention we are still arguing over the conman felon narcissistic loser that swindled our entire country to benefit himself and his buddies and got millions killed and whether or not we want him in charge again, or the person that has a plan and wants to make things better for us all. Not sure, still undecided. Oh, and today is 9-11, the day our whole country mourned the loss of ~3000 people in a tragic event and 20 years later we were losing that many and more daily to a virus, but it was “just a hoax”, now get back to work! We need to break our record profits this quarter for the shareholders!

    Yeah, were fine. We’ve processed. We’re all good here. A OK. 👌

  • In years past, CBC (Canada) had a very nice website with schedules and the videos of full events all organized by event. I don’t recall the coverage being overly edited or filled with fluff commentary or only covering the “big” names/events, but seemed pretty broad and unbiased and boring-in-a-good-way. It was really nice. Highly recommended.

    A simple VPN to a Canada exit point is all you need. And I guess a plugin or script to download the videos if you wanted them offline. But since you can browse to any event on any day and watch when you want you really don’t need to download anything.

  • It’s only infinite in the sense that it’s beyond our measurement. And whether or not it is infinite doesn’t even matter to us because of the speed of light and the expansion of space itself. There is a sphere around us that is all we will ever know or experience or be able to affect. Outside that sphere other things can and do exist, but we are fundamentally separated from them forever. There are entire galaxies we will never see because the light will never reach us. That is wild to me.

  • Relativity proved that time isn’t a constant thing where all things occur at “the present”. You can have situations where person 1 sees an event happen as A B and person 2 sees that same event happen as B A.

    That means time isn’t some absolute framework that reality exists in, but something more like a property of matter or space or something.

    Also the speed of light seems to be applicable here. Or more accurately, the speed at which events propagate through space. If you pushed a button to end the universe wouldn’t that event only go at light speed out in all directions? So maybe the button has been pushed (maybe an infinite number of times too) and all the shockwaves just haven’t gotten here yet.