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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Absolutely, it should be. I was being very sarcastic in my other post and basically said Squid didn’t outright say he wasn’t being paid, so that MUST mean he’s being paid and it was removed with a message saying I shouldn’t call a mod a shill.

    Which honestly makes me think that I struck a nerve now.

    I used to hate the hail corporate subreddit back in the day because literally anything with a logo was considered an ad by them, however nobody can deny that that kind of deceptive advertising totally happens.

  • Living in the Midwest, I’ve never really dealt with a major power outage we didn’t expect. Power company will send out a (very rare) notice if they are doing anything that might bring down power and usually if a thunderstorm starts to get rough, we shut down anything important so power flicker/surges don’t hurt it.

  • Mainstream NASs (like Synology and QNAP) are very good at what they’re built for, which is be available on the network and have plenty of storage.

    They CAN do more, but then you start to notice the limitations. It is still “just a NAS.” It’s not called a NASAHVAVMM (Network Attached Storage and Hypervisor and VM Manager)

    If you want to do what you described, a smaller NAS would probably be good for backups, but look into a fully fledged, capable server too.

  • Dude. I’m saying this as someone who as been in your position and only as time has gone on realized this really is true.

    This isn’t about what’s cringe. This isn’t about what other people say after you do something. This person made your life better to the point you feel the need to show them your appreciation. If you think that standing on your chair and belting out a totally tone deaf version of their favorite song would make that person the happiest, then fucking do it and everyone who says something or makes fun of you just doesn’t understand or doesn’t have someone that they can feel that close to. You will forget the embarrassment, but knowing you told someone you cared about how much you appreciate them will never leave you.