I like clean water, good weather forecasts, and I want to fix the bridges.
I like clean water, good weather forecasts, and I want to fix the bridges.
Deep cut Expanse reference. Specifically to an episode that had a lot of personal meaning for me.
Yeah my life doesn’t leave me a lot of room for creating posts. I know how much work that takes.
But I’m good at running my mouth, so I try to comment these days because I know that engagement drives engagement. (I have no idea what drives post visibility on Lemmy though. Is there an algorithm here?)
I’m not working tomorrow, so I’ll have time to read some research! But I’ll never argue with funny adorable owl pics of any sort either haha
Oh interesting! I had never heard of BirdNet or Bird Pi. It looks like Cornell Lab integrated that machine learning project into the Merlin app:
Merlin also sound identifies a Northern Flicker in the woods behind my house that I’ve yet to see.
And yes educational! It was your long form posts from a couple months ago that really drew me into the community. I was just really impressed with the level of detail and really appreciated it. I like learning new things that I wouldn’t necessarily take the time to seek out myself. I was reading those even though I didn’t comment much at the time.
Birds. I guess it doesn’t feel that niche because I know lots of people are into bird watching, but it’s my thing.
There’s this app called Merlin that I swear to god is magic. You can just open your mic and it’ll listen to and identify all of the birds you’re hearing.
And it really works! For the longest time, it kept identifying a Carolina Wren in my yard, and I thought it was just wrong. I’ll be damned if I didn’t eventually see that wren, and now it frequents the bird feeder I set up on my deck. It’s just my shyest bird. But the app knew it was out there.
I’ve learned so much about birds and identifying them from using the app. And I’ve gotten really into how, when, and what to feed birds because I want to find more different kinds, and I just love watching them on the deck interacting. I call it my cat TV haha
I’m also learning a ton about owls specifically over on the [email protected] community. Did you know there are owls in the desert and owls in Jamaica? Come over to the community where @[email protected] makes the most amazing educational posts. It’s a lot of fun.
From a person with a lot of years of experience fighting mold on wood in a humid climate, what you want is borax:
Borax kills mold and also soaks into wood and stays there to prevent future growth. Bleach does not help on porous surfaces like wood:
"Note that bleach should not be used to kill mold found on wood. While bleach is very effective for killing mold on non-porous surfaces, it doesn’t work well when it comes to wood. This is because the chlorine in bleach can’t penetrate wood, so only the water portion of the bleach gets absorbed.
The mold may appear to be removed from the surface, but it’ll likely continue to grow underneath and return within a few months."
You joke, but my dad literally built (most) of his own helicopter. My mom wouldn’t let him fly it because of us kids haha. He sold it still incomplete
Nice Nebelung you have there. Love them ❤️
Avoiding 5am starvation yowls is exactly why I free feed, and I’m sure it’s going to bite me in the ass when my two are older and stop maintaining their weight easily. But for now, they’re active and healthy weight even with the free feeding. So we’ll see
I think YOU need to go meet some conservatives, because I have absolutely heard that exact terminology from some of my conservative relatives.
United HealthCare
Oh wait, you CAN’T boycott them. The ultimate monopoly.
Injecting medications into necks.
Medical things are rarely accurate, but Jesus this one is absolutely infuriating. There’s no anatomy in a neck that you could even inject anything INTO. You’re not aiming for a jugular vein on the fly and there’s not enough tissue in a neck to receive an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. If your needle is too long, you’re definitely hitting something critical. It’s feasible that you could squirt medication into someone’s trachea or esophagus or - god forbid - spine if you actually tried this nonsense.
Arms, people, ARMS. This is where we inject things into people who are not interested in receiving an injection. Arms or butts, right through the clothes. You’re aiming for the deltoid muscle or the glutes. I’m even willing to concede the inaccuracy of a medication affecting someone instantly (they don’t), if Hollywood would just stop having characters inject things into people’s necks.
On our next episode of medical things that make me crazy: People getting shot through the shoulder with zero consequences.
Are you suggesting a privatized National Weather Service and toll bridges would be better? If so, I have a nice bear-ridden town in New Hampshire you might like to move to.
Regulations are exactly how you deal with negative externalities.The EPA makes corporations pay for reducing pollution and cleanup. Why do you think corporations target EPA so much? Because EPA costs them money. Never hear any corporations whining about that free taxpayer-funded geological data coming out of USGS