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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Hard to rate.

    When I was a kid, I once feel out of a tree and feel on my lower back strait onto a small stump (maybe 3-4 inches across). Also, as a kid, I was jumping back and forth over a hole. We were installing basement egress windows I was jumping over the hole that was dug. This particular hole had like a water connection or something, a white pipe with a white cap. Anywho fell directly on my lower back of that too.

    Some years ago I was doing an obstacle course 5K and I severely rolled my ankle, but I kept going and even did the vertical wall. It didn’t hurt so much that day but it hurt like a son of a gun the next few months.

    Of course one can’t forget migraines. Sound hurts, light hurts, the pain that you have also hurts and there’s not much you can do about it.

    In high school, some girl thought it was okay and funny to repeatedly punch me in the nuts. She only stopped because her brother came out and stopped her.

  • I think that was more of a security feature. I would strongly believe that all of the eternal dragons can speak/understand all languages. Making it so only a Namekian can make the wish as layer of security given how powerful the dragon balls are. Like the Ancients in Stargate started putting DNA scanners into things to stop other species (like the wraith) from using their tech.

  • 6th grade I really started paying attention to the pledge of allegiance in really what something like that meant. I question why I was pledging my allegiance to a flag every morning. It wasn’t my choice I was told to do this. And that didn’t feel right to me until I stopped.

    In high school. Noticed the various branches of the military would never leave and were always trying to recruit. I noticed in the kids around me behavioral differences, as they were hyped up to join the military. But my great-grandfather who is in the military and was on Normandy Beach… He wasn’t hype about the military. My uncle who is in the Navy barely speaks of it. And my other uncle who was in the Vietnam war… Seemed rather traumatized by the whole experience. And George W Bush and everything surrounding 9/11, the definite WMDs that totally existed.

    Also in high school I got to meet foreign exchange students. Made friends with a bunch of them and got to learn about how things are in various parts of the world that really didn’t add up to the things that I was being told.

    Then in college and post college, thanks though like early YouTube and even early Reddit, I got to learn a lot more about the world than anything grade school had ever taught me.

  • ITT: A lot of Lemmy users showing their true colors. Someone asks for help, for information, and y’all decide to mock.

    OP: one button does a full flush, the other does a half flush. In your picture, the button on the right, does the half flush. Button on the left, does the full flush. Full flush is usually just x2, though I don’t think that’s a hard rule.