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Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • People eat meat and love animals. Veganism is perfectly healthy and doesn’t require killing creatures just as intelligent and loving as their dogs and cats in order to have adequate and delicious nutrition.

    If you disagree passionately with the above statement, like it gives you real feelings of frustration, congratulations, you are experiencing cognitive dissonance.

  • This is Medici, where they speak Interligua, a sort of blend of Spanish, Catalan, French, and Italian and where the world’s largest natural source of bavarium was found. I remember reading about the revolution a few years ago that ousted the dictatorship that got powerful on the back of Bavarium mining. The US was caught blatantly supporting both sides, but the revolutionaries won and now they are a democracy again.

  • Overhearing people talk is not eavesdropping. Listening more closely because the conversation is a break in your trust is natural, if they try to pull a “but you were eavesdropping!” tell them if they want a private conversation then to have it in a private place, not a communal area in earshot of the hall outside your room.

    Did you make it clear this was confidential, or was it just assumed? If you explicitly told them to keep it secret and they did not, then say just what you said here. You happened to be coming down for a cup of tea when you overheard a betrayal of your confidence. If you are frustrated, let that give a backbone and set a firm boundary, but don’t let it put words in your mouth and start saying things that will make them defensive. As soon as someone puts their guard up, the conversation is not going to go anywhere productive.

    If you didn’t explicitly tell your mom this was to be kept under wraps for now, then lesson learned. You need to have a polite conversation with her and everyone she told that this is personal info not to be shared. Always explicitly set boundaries, assumptions never work, even doctors and therapists sometimes eff up and assume someone knows more than you want them to and spill the beans.

    No matter what, your family loves you and only wants you to succeed in life. Spilling your tea was likely done out of an effort to help you in the big picture, misguided or not. For me, once I was comfortable sharing my neurodivergence with my family, life got easier as they were able to take that into account in our relationship. But I understand it’s your call, and if you need to come to terms with your diagnosis first, that’s perfect reasonable and those in the loop should be made aware of how hurtful it is to betray that trust. Nothing a polite but firm conversation can’t solve.

  • Their accents are different. Bob has a Midwest touch to his speech, as is standard for Illinois kids like him, Steve speaks classic Western New England, typical of his Massachusetts upbringing, which is almost exactly the same as American Standard.

    But these two came up in the New York comedy world around the same time. They weren’t close but had many mutual colleagues. It might be more about a similar performance style than a regional accent you’re noticing.