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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • The thread you linked shows Flying Squid being quite reasonable while being unfairly accused of being a pedophile for having photos of their newborn child. It’s not a great example of them being unlikeable.

    I understand the position in opposition to the squid’s (very common) opinion that it’s OK to have a nude photo of your baby which might be playfully and innocently used to embarass them as an adult. At no point in that thread did the squid take a position in favor of creating trauma for anyone. I would imagine, like most parents, if their daughter made it clear to them that showing the photo was a traumatic experience for them, the squid would never show it.

    Also, the squid was never mean or unfair in that thread. It’s just not a good example of them being unlikeable, in my opinion. If anything, their demeanor while being unfairly called a pedophile only makes them more likeable.

  • Really? The squid’s take in that thread is everyday normal, especially for those of us older folks who grew up with parents who innocently took photos of us as babies in the tub. It was super common, and not at all intended to gratify anyone sexually.

    Also, the squid’s demeanor in the linked exchange remained fair despite them being repeatedly implied to be some kind of pedophile. If anything, their position in that debate (and their fair demeanor) made me like them more, not less.

    Wait a second… Maybe this link was all part of a slick PR move to boost the squid’s profile! Well played sir/madam!

  • you provided exactly 0 evidence of what you’re trying to prove

    Your dissenting opinion does not disprove my evidence.

    exactly 0 quotes of me that prove any of your points

    This is manipulation based on deception. I used multiple quotes of your comments as evidence against you. You have just decided that they do not “prove any of (my) points”. Your opinion is irrelevant.

    and exactly 0 valid arguments.

    Another manipulation based on your personal opinion that the evidencr I provided was not sufficient to change your mind. My goal, however, has never been to change your mind. My goal has been to allow you to illustrate the deception, manipulation and bad faith discussion one should always expect from a conservative.

    It is not possible for a conservative to enter a debate in good faith, as every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation.