Oh another post, my friend’s parents had a kinkajou that lived in the couch and pooped from high shelves at night.
There’s a guy on Instagram who has two absolutely massive pythons, like 16 feet long and thick as tires. They drape themselves across his young daughter very casually, and she spends time playing Barbies with the big one. The owner is very educated about snakes and obviously takes very good care of them, and isn’t some trash person who just wants violent animals, but much like pit bulls all it takes is one wrong turn and that child could die in a terrible way. I know some pet snakes are very docile, but something that could take it into its head to strangle me for dinner is not a pet to me.
People’s pit bull apologia is bad enough, we had a person in my ER one night who had been walking their friend’s pit bull who they walked often, who yanked the leash when he saw another dog, and when they tried to grip it the dog turned around and began mauling them, and ripped their arm right off. Someone called 911 and the cops showed up and had to shoot the dog and kill it to get it off them, and they took both them and the arm to our hospital but couldn’t save it. My niece is also missing part of her lip because of a pit bull. Those are exotic animals that are extremely dangerous to me, fuck that nanny dog bullshit.
This one is funny, I innocently listened to Motley Crue when I was about 12, Girls Girls Girls in particular. You know that lyric about the menage a trois? There was no Internet in those days, so I just thought I’d ask my French teacher. She covered a smile and told me it meant three people were living in a house together.
It’s your funeral buddy.
I’m not going to tell people how to eat, but I will point out that if there was a time you should try plant based diets, that time is now.
No it happens in the dark winter mornings too. Only after I eat.
Outside of camping, the massive blackout of 2003.
Why do I sneeze many times over after breakfast? Only breakfast.
Is it the Jewish space laser?
I work in health care, one of our delayed young patients needs urgent surgery for their condition. I called them because the surgeon’s secretary tried to contact them several times re getting them in next week without success, and the parent told me they didn’t want the surgery because they were certain that the surgeon would do “extra” procedures, which in their mind meant the patient would be given the COVID and flu vaccines while under anesthesia against their will. The doctor called them and explained that the patient needs it very badly and that nothing else would happen, so they reluctantly agreed, but they still called me yesterday fussing about this idea. I explained that there were several people in the OR for the procedure, not just the surgeon but nurses and residents and the anesthesiologist, and that none of them particularly wanted to lose their professional license doing something they didn’t consent to even if for some reason the surgeon thought that stealth vaccinating the child was a good idea.
Um, surgeons don’t consider it their job to secretly vaccinate people. In my decades of health care work I’ve only seen one technically unconsented patient because otherwise they would lose their limb and die of sepsis, and were so unable to respond to discussion about it and they had no next of kin or SDM, that the decision had to be made as life or death, because a pit bull mauled them so badly and ripped off a limb. (Sadly they lost the limb anyway). Surgeons really don’t want to do that, and they sure as hell don’t want to also stealth vaccinate crazy people.
I’ve had nine vaccines so far and have totally died nine times over, and also I glow in the dark and Bill Gates knows where I am at all times because I run on 5G.
Borax?? Omigod.
Do you mind if I ask you how you made it to Lemmy?
At my old grocery store they had a clerk who had a movement disorder of some sort, so she was sort of like the Chicken Lady. She was all done with figuring out what an unusual piece of produce was coded as, and she’d just toss it past the scanner and not charge you, bobbing and weaving away.
Checkmate I’m vegan so I don’t have to worry about that. My spouse used to work in a winery that had a chicken coop and bring home many boxes of eggs for free before I went vegan, and you could keep them on the counter. Room temperature fresh eggs beat grocery store eggs by a million years for cooking with, go to a farm and buy a few boxes, they keep a very long time, and learn how to make Frank Prisinzano’s crispy egg recipe.
NSFW. I was glad I could block it. Not everyone wants to look at porn.
I can’t get over how cold it’s been for weeks and weeks. I bought an ankle length winter coat this year and that’s what’s helping me survive, along with many other pieces of clothing. It’s so cold I have to wear long johns to walk the dog.
They gave us Teams at work, and somehow despite me being logged into everything else Microsoft via Citrix, it decided I couldn’t use it anymore. But it adds you to meetings you don’t need to be in.
They do look benign and just curious with the child, I won’t be unfair, and he’s really well versed in their care. I don’t want to make him sound bad or anything, he’s really a nice guy and I’ve asked him some questions he has good answers for. But who wants to run that risk? Those kids in Nova Scotia who died because a pet python escaped its enclosure and climbed into the air vent, fell through the ceiling because it was 100 pounds,and reacted to the screaming kids it fell on top of? That’s terrifying.