Alt account of @Badabinski

Just a sweaty nerd interested in software, home automation, emotional issues, and polite discourse about all of the above.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • The advice I’ve always heard is that if you can do it yourself, it’s always better. Animals can’t tell you that they’re sick, so every bit of info you can get on how they’re doing is important. Having the machine automatically clean the litter box deprives you of that option.

    With that being said, a clean litterbox is also really important. I plan on getting a couple of cats in the next 5 years after I’ve gotten my shit together (cats and incredibly messy houses don’t mix), and I will probably get an automatic litter box because I don’t want my depressive episodes to result in my cats being miserable. As this post shows, you should do your research. Find a litter box that has been endorsed by multiple unrelated reviewers if possible. Some of these boxes are dangerous, and many of them are kinda worthless.

    The video in the OP was recommended to me a few days ago and was my introduction to this whole fiasco. This person has done a ton of reviews and has a couple of boxes he’d recommend.

    EDIT: I literally linked to the video in the OP… I thought it was the video from one of the people who had a cat die.

  • I do, but certain Android browsers don’t support plugins. I have to use a specific browser for compatibility reasons with some work shit (I do on-call stuff). I need that to just work, so I can’t use, say, Firefox for Android. I use multiple browsers on computers, but I just can’t be bothered on my phone. That leaves me with DNS-based ad blockers. Those work almost as well, but only when I’m home or VPNed home. I don’t want to use a hosted service for privacy reasons, and I don’t want to expose a DNS server on the internet. This means that when I can’t VPN or I forget to, I get fandom rage. I’m sure I could do something to address this, but I have bigger fish to fry right now. The nice ad-free fandom frontend sounds like a great compromise to me.

  • You’re an absolute hero. I’m easily irritated by ads, and fandom has driven me to genuine rage a couple of times when I’m on mobile and only have DNS-based adblocking some of the time. It’s a wiki, for Christ’s sake, so why does it need so, so many ads‽ It’s just static content most of the time!

    edit: to provide more context, this is a frontend for fandom wikis that strips out the bullshit.

  • I feel like putting the pills in your mouth first works a bit better when you have a bunch of pills to take. I take four pills every morning (ADHD, antidepressant, allergy pill, and L-methylfolate because of dumb genes) and I’ve tried both ways. The pills-first approach is just faster and easier for me, and I don’t mind the taste. Hell, I weirdly like the taste of my ADHD meds 😅 I will absolutely do the water first thing when taking something disgusting though. I tend to close my mouth and tilt my head forward rather than back, however.

    I don’t know why my client posted this comment 4 times… Sorry about that.

  • (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠;

    I am intensely displeased with this comment. I don’t know why this got to me so much more than the other degenerate shit I’ve seen around, but this gave me a pretty violent physical reaction. Maybe it’s because I’ve been taking time release capsule meds for 15ish years now? Whatever the cause, you should be proud because that was well written.

  • Your eye is still open under that flap though, no? I dabbled in Olympic pistol shooting back when I was doing across-the-course service rifle, and I was told to always keep both eyes open by the dude teaching me. Same for service rifle (and later palma). I always found that closing one of your eyes fucks up your focusing. If you don’t have the little flappy dealy, you just do your best to defocus/deprioritize the view out of your non-dominant eye. I actually went for quite a while without any sort of cover because it helped me avoid cross firing (which is probably more of an issue with across-the-course than with Olympic pistol).

    You’re absolutely right about the lack of spectacles though. This guy is one hell of a marksman.

  • The other person may have responded with a fair amount of hostility, but they’re absolutely correct. I run Kubernetes clusters hosting millions of containers across hundreds of thousands of VMs at my job, and OOMKills are just a fact of life. Apps will leak memory, and you’re powerless to fix it unless you’re willing to debug the app and fix the leak. It’s better for the container to run out of memory and trigger a cgroup-scoped OOM kill. A system-wide OOM kill will murder the things you love, shit in your hat, and lick your face like David Tennant licked Krysten Ritter.