About 6000 species of solitary bees in North America. Providing them habitat by planting the flowering species they visit is a huge first step. Additionally making ‘space’ for their larva is enormously helpful. Many are ground dwelling, so getting rid of ‘landscape cloth’ which blocks them from burrowing is useful.
Check with your local cooperative extension service for information about the bees in your area.
Here’s an article from OSU on the topic: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/gardening/pollinators/nesting-habits-solitary-bees
Xerces Society: https://xerces.org/publications/brochures/save-the-stems
World Bee Project: https://worldbeeproject.org/2023/11/15/solitary-bees-their-crucial-pollination-role-and-diverse-habitats/
Food Cooperatives exist. Ours hasn’t changed the location of things since they opened the new location, like 20 years ago.