Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @[email protected]

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Unfortunately a vegan who is a good person isn’t alwayd out there proselytizing at every chance they get in a non intrusive manner,

    That’s the thing imo, if a vegan is alwayd out there proselytizing at every chance they get then they are by default not a good person even if they do it in a supposed non intrusive manner and are by default vegan extremists imo. Proselytizing is in and of itself intrusive by definition imo, like ads.

  • While we’re philosophising, is the concept of pet ownership at all vegan? I mean, if milking a cow is rape and eating it is murder, owning a dog (et cetera) is forcible detainment (or rather false imprisonment, unless the dog was convicted in a court of law by a jury of its peers) of an animal that deserves autonomy just the same. Dog can’t consent to being owned, but if it understood the concepts of ownership and autonomy I have my bet placed on what it’d say on this matter…

    I’m just saying, I don’t think vegans imprisoning innocent creatures for their enjoyment, be they vegan creatures or otherwise, is ideologically consistent.

  • No that’s the correct translation, at least that’s how it is always said in English (if you mean a more direct German translation using a literal translation of the parts of one giant compound word, idk about that lol). And you are indeed right about that, but this is the world we live in, and these are the hands we’re given, gotta play the cards you’re dealt.

    However I must disagree with your summary. For instance you think you needed it when they were banging on your door but you didn’t (thankfully, tbh), as evidenced by you not having it and still being alive. When you “need” a gun is when the other option is “an immanent threat of death or great bodily injury.” For instance the one time I’ve “needed” mine so far in life, a guy pulled a knife on me and I had it out before he had a chance to stab me, had I needed to fiddle with loading it he would have been able to stab me and take it, now I’m dead and I’ve armed him. I very much so could have literally died, in no figurative sense, and if I ever “need” it again it’ll be comparable because I’m not just going to pull out a loaded gun all willy nilly like some people would, had they had it loaded.