Moments away from becoming a hoop snake.
Anything and everything Amateur Radio and beyond. Heavily into Open Source and SDR, working on a multi band monitor and transmitter.
#geek #nerd #hamradio VK6FLAB #podcaster #australia #ITProfessional #voiceover #opentowork
Moments away from becoming a hoop snake.
This is very common and the solution is simple:
This works because every item you eliminated was worse than at least one other item in the list.
This looks like a contender:
I’m giving you a wild guess, but I suspect it’s to mount an arm to hold a flash, alternatively it’s for a handle so the head can be rotated smoothly with a video camera mounted.
Silly question, but have you tried turning it the other way?
I run a cli ookla speedtest every five hours using cron and put the output into a CSV that I visualise daily using graphviz.
Well, yes, that too.
Mind you, I’ve seen instances where the spiders will fight them for it.
If only it was 40°C, that would be a common summer’s day.
That day, the road I drove home on was 51°C at 16:00 and the overnight temperature didn’t drop below 27.2°C.
So, yes, eggs in the fridge.
Source: I live in Perth, Western Australia.
Straya very much!
Because sometimes the house gets up to 26°C inside when it’s 43.6°C outside, like last week.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don’t.
For shits and giggles, the data side is technically on the other side of the disc. It’s essentially on the underside of the “label”, rather than on the transparent plastic which is there for strength and laser focus.
You’re missing a dot, goat.se. Also, the domain is for sale.
It appears to be multifactorial:
In Australia they’re not available at all. This is at Woolworths supermarket:
The legal system spent centuries attempting to order this and it continues to be debated, argued and transformed on a daily basis.
Seems appropriate, it shits all over the competition and it can be run offline, not to mention that it is open source and has an MIT licence.
Today the USA stock market lost a trillion dollars, most of it in NVIDIA and the nuclear industry.
I hope this marks the end of the Assumed Intelligence bubble promulgated by snake oil peddlers.
Hopefully …
Try it.
Rock Paper Scissors
First two, Paper beats Rock.
Eliminate Rock.
New First two, Scissors beats Paper.
Eliminate Paper.
Scissors wins.