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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024


  • I think the bottom line is that you need to meet people where they’re at. I understand the part about audio issues and I feel like it’s exasperated because of the low audio quality from mobile phones or earbuds. At work, I really have to work at hearing people who use airbuds, especially if they’re male Indians.

    Conversely, I will read a well-written email or text and to the thing that it’s saying, then get a reply that I did it all wrong and realize that I completely misunderstood it. I read it again and then my original reply and can’t figure out how I got it all wrong. If they tell me something, however, I’ll remember it completely and accurately. Also, I have to write everything down in order to remember, but I never need to look at my notes. I must have some loose wires.

  • Restic and Borg seem to be the current favorites, but I really like the power and flexibility of Duplicity. I like that I can push to a wide variety of back ends (I’m using the rsync), it can do synchronous or asynchronous encryptions and I like that it can do incremental with timed full backups. I don’t like that it keeps a local cache of index files.

    I back up to a Pi 0 with a big local disk and rsync the whole disk to another Pi at a relative’s house over tailscale. I’ve never needed the remote, but it’s there.

    I’ve had to do a single directory restore once and it was pretty easy. I was able to restore to a new directory and move only the files that I clobbered.

  • I used to struggle to get to sleep and hated those who could do it anywhere. They’d say, “just clear your mind”, which wasn’t helpful. It could be other things, but I figured out that my mind was always busy, sometimes from stress, sometimes from excitement. For me, it’s extreme focus. Often, I’ll put my mind to work on a complicated problem I’m having at work or home. If I have nothing, my go to is to see how far I can get calculating the binary digits (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64…) or the Fibonacci sequence in my head. I don’t get very far and I’m out.