• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • I use rclone and duplicati depending on the needs of the backup.

    For long term I use duplicati, it has a GUI and you can upload it to several places (mines are spread between e2 and drive).
    You configure the backend, password for encryption, schedule, and version retention.

    rclone, with the crypt submodule, you use it to mount your backups as am external drive, so you need to manually handle the actual copy of the data into it, plus versioning and retention.

  • I can’t give you the technical explanation, but it works.
    My Caddyfile only something like this

    @forgejo host forgejo.pe1uca
    handle @forgejo {
    	reverse_proxy :8000

    and everything else has worked properly cloning via ssh with git@forgejo.pe1uca:pe1uca/my_repo.git

    My guess is git only needs the host to resolve the IP and then connects to the port directly.

  • Think of a URL and its dots like folders in your drive where each can have different files in each of them even if they have the same name as another folder.
    They’re just written in reverse order.
    (Also a whole lot of other differences and other technical details on how to actually make the site work, but for your question we can just keep at this)

    So, you have the social root folder (Top Level Domain) which contains many sub folders, one of them is mastodon and another is piefed.
    Each have their own files to render their UI and process the requests they receive, but they don’t talk to each other, even when they might have some files and requests with the same name.
    The same way you have in your home folder your documents, pictures, videos, downloads, etc.
    And yeah, they can go even deeper, my lemmy instance is lemmy.pe1uca.dev, not just lemmy.world like for this community.
    I could have mastodon.pe1uca.dev if I’d like.

  • I love playing Dwar Fortress, I’ve spent hours and hours in there.
    The game is free from the developera site, the download is only 15MB.
    If you want to support them you can buy it in steam, the listed requirements is 500MB of storage, I assume since this version has a tile set.

    I’ve also put so far 400 hours in oxygen not included, I think it uses around 2GB of storage.

    And to me, any monster hunter game its worth its price, I’ve bought each game and played it for minimum 200 hours each, I think I reached 500 in on of them.
    Tho the newer ones are pretty heavy for their respective platforms. Also triple-A game price.

  • Text to speech is what piper is doing.
    What I’m looking for is called voice changer since I want to change a voice which already read something.

    That’s exactly what I want: “the thing in the Darth Vader halloween masks” but for linux, preferably via CLI to ingest audio files and be able to configure it to change the voice as I want, not only Darth Vader.

  • I’ve used it to summarize long articles, news posts, or videos when the title/thumbnail looks interesting but I’m not sure if it’s worth the 10+ minutes to read/watch.
    There are other solutions, like a dedicated summarizer, but I’ve investigated into them and they only extract exact quotes from the original text, an LLM can also paraphrase making the summary a bit more informative IMO.
    (For example, one article mentioned a quote from an expert talking about a company, the summarizer only extracted the quote and the flow of the summary made me believe the company said it, but the LLM properly stated the quote came from the expert)

    This project https://github.com/goniszewski/grimoire has in it’s road map a way to connect to an AI to summarize the bookmarks you make and generate at 3 tags.
    I’ve seen the code, I don’t remember what the exact status of the integration.

    Also I have a few models dedicated for coding, so I’ve also asked a few pieces of code and configurations to just get started on a project, nothing too complicated.

  • Well, the thing is, if the physics or render steps (not necessarily the logic) don’t advance there’s no change in the world or the screen buffer for the pc to show you, so, that’s what those frame counters are showing, not how many frames the screen shows, but how many frames the game can output after it finishes its calculations. You can also have a game running at 200 frames but your screen at 60.

    So, when someone unlocks the frame rate probably they just increased the physics steps per second which has the unintended consequences you described because the forces are not adjusted to how many times they’re being applied now.

    And a bit yeah, if you know your target is 30fps and you don’t plan on increasing it then it simplifies the devlopment of the physics engine a lot, since you don’t have to test for different speeds and avoid the extra calculations to adjust the forces.

  • Oh, I was only aware of credits where the lender sets the amount to be the total exactly spread over the period, those are the only ones I’ve seen and taken, so each month I get a charge for the amount needed to keep up with the credit.
    For the rest then it makes sense how they make money, since I’ve had credit cards which don’t show or at the very least hide the amount to not pay interest and only tell you the minimum payment.

  • In that case I’d recommen you use immich-go to upload them and still backup only immich instead of your original folder, since if something happens to your immich library you’d have to manually recreate it because immich doesn’t update its db from the file system.
    There was a discussion in github about worries of data being compressed in immich, but it was clarified the uploaded files are saved as they are and only copies are modified, so you can safely backup its library.

    I’m not familiar with RAID, but yeah, I’ve also read its mostly about up time.

    I’d also recommend you look at restic and duplocati.
    Both are backup tools, restic is a CLI and duplocati is a service with an ui.
    So if you want to create the crons go for restic.
    Tho if you want to be able to read your backups manually maybe check how the data is stored, because I’m using duplicati and it saves it in files that need to be read by duplicati, I’m not sure if I could go and easily open them unlike the data copied with rsync.

  • For local backups I use this command

    $ rsync --update -ahr --no-i-r --info=progress2 /source /dest

    You could first compress them, but since I have the space for the important stuff, this is the only command I need.

    Recently I also made a migration similar to yours.

    I’ve read jellyfin is hard to migrate, so I just reinstalled it and manually recreated the libraries, I didn’t mind about the watch history and other stuff.
    IIRC there’s a post or github repo with a script to try to migrate jellyfin.

    For immich you just have to copy this database files with the same command above and that’s it (of course with the stack down, you don’t want to copy db files while the database is running).
    For the library I already had it in an external drive with a symlink, so I just had to mount it in the new machine and create a simlar symlink.

    I don’t run any *arr so I don’t know how they’d be handled.
    But I did do the migrarion of syncthing and duplicati.
    For syncthing I just had to find the config path and I copied it with the same command above.
    (You might need to run chown in the new machine).

    For duplicati it was easier since it provides a way to export and import the configurations.

    So depending on how the *arr programs handle their files it can be as easy as find their root directory and rsync it.
    Maybe this could also be done for jellyfin.
    Of course be sure to look for all config folders they need, some programs might split them into their working directory, into ~/.config, or ./.local, or /etc, or any other custom path.

    EDIT: for jellyfin data, evaluate how hard to find is, it might be difficult, but if it’s possible it doesn’t require the same level of backups as your immich data, because immich normally holds data you created and can’t be found anywhere else.

    Most series I have them in just the main jellyfin drive.
    But immich is backedup with 3-2-1, 3 copies of the data (I actually have 4), in at least 2 types of media (HDD and SSD), with 1 being offsite (rclone encrypted into e2 drive)

  • Just tried it and seems too complicated haha. With traccar I just had to deploy a single service and use either the official app or previously gpslogger sending the data to an endpoint.

    With owntracks the main documentation seems to be deploy it into the base system, docker is kind of hidden.
    And with docker you need to deploy at least 3 services: recorder, Mosquitto, and the front end.
    The app doesn’t tell you what’s expected to be filled into the fields to connect to the backend. I tried with https but haven’t been able to make it work.

    To be fair, this has been just today. But as long as a service has a docker compose I’ve always been able to deploy it in less than 10 minutes, and the rest of the day is just customizing the service.