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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Quite some years ago I offhandedly recommended a band to a friend, and like a week later she texted me thanking me for the recommendation, and gave me her thoughts. I thought that was really cool of her, because it’s all too common that recommendations are ignored. I decided then that I would do my best to actually follow up on recommendations from friends and then try to let them know what I thought. It’s a practice that’s generally very well received.

    I also then decided to be more honest about whether or not I actually will check something out. For example, I don’t really listen to podcasts so I’m pretty upfront with people that it’s not likely I’ll listen to whatever they recommend. I think it’s had a ripple effect of generally being more honest in my relationships, which has been transformative. I highly recommend it.