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Vidya / videojuegos. Internet. Cats / Gatos. Pizza. Nap / Siesta.

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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • How long do you think copyright should be?

    No easy solutions but my general guideline would be that both copyright and patents should never last more than half the retirement age of a current generation, calculated via actuarial tables or some trustable scientific method.

    The rationale is simple: the ultimate purpose of both is (or, well, should be) to promote creation so that society in general can be participant of the resulting effects. Half the retirement age not only is a good compromise between giving creator control and giving at least half of society the opportunity to enjoy the public good result of creation within their lifetime and within their fair opportunity to earn wages, in particular in such cases as eg.: big pharma and medications, but also promotes that big creators, such as corporations, act towards the public good of lengthening life and providing good living standards for the rest of society.

  • Yeah I just checked Atkinson Hyperlegible and, at least the version I can access (the one on Github) lacks entire Latin and compatible character ranges, as well as having a substantially limited math symbols set (only two greek letters show, for example).

    The weird thing is, if I understand how fonts correctly, that shouldn’t have been an issue. The font doesn’t register those missing characters, so your browser should have known to fallback to a default typeface for the missing characters. It’d be weird if you have none of the many compatible fonts (not even, say, Times New Roman).

  • Yeah I’ve heard about punycode. Personally, I’m well against it because it puts down non-MURRICAN English domain names as second-class citizens on the internet. If I have a website about Copiapó, a perfectly legal town, there’s no good reason why the domain name should not be copiapó.cl rather than copiap-xcwhngoingohi4oleleiyho42yt4ptg4ht4.cl, making it look “suspect” and “malware-y”.

    There were quite some complains back in the time about Firefox choosing not to “flag” internationalized names as potentially dangerous, and pretty much all those complaints that I know of likely came from English speakers who simply can’t understand other countries in the world even can have different alphabets.