I saw a cop pull up and park illegally to go into a Dunkin donuts. It was like seeing a political cartoon in real life.
I saw a cop pull up and park illegally to go into a Dunkin donuts. It was like seeing a political cartoon in real life.
One of the reasons I don’t think I’ll ever want to live outside of NYC. I walk every day. Sometimes take a bike. It’s much nicer than the car world of the suburbs I grew up in
Do they do imports from like betterment and vanguard?
At my job, me and another guy were given stuff to work on. But unknown to product, there’s a lot of shared code there.
In my imagination, it should be someone’s job to coordinate this. Instead, I finished a chunk of mine, he finished a chunk of his, and then there was confusion. Maybe that’s just a technical team lead’s job.
…what do you mean by using dev containers? Are your people doing development on their host machine?
Yeah we finally set up a workflow where we get production data available in a staging environment. This has saved a lot of trouble via “well it worked on my local where there were 100 records, but prod has 1037492 and it does not”
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Food_and_Drug_Administration provides some historical context.
You can also read The Jungle by Sinclair
Without the FDA, you’re going to get sawdust in your bread and worse.
I’m aware but worth pointing out. It’s easy to forget. Also to forget that our personal experience is not universal.
I had really bad anxiety in my youth. I’d get nauseous. Staying inside alone made it worse. So much worse. Taking the plunge and actually going out, talking to people, engaging, regularly, that lead to progress. Even if it meant throwing up in the bathroom sometimes. But that probably won’t work for everyone.
But I guess some part of me has a visceral reaction that’s just like “you’re making it worse! You’re just hiding from the problem and it’s never going to get better this way! Just go outside and nothing bad will happen, and you’ll stop freaking out eventually!”. But that’s not everyone.
But yes, to your point, a lot of the time it seems like they’re not even trying, and I can’t know their inner world. Sometimes they’re not, sometimes they are.
I don’t think it’s an accurate assessment to say “everyone is doing their best” though because some people certainly are not.
This was a useful perspective for me. Thanks.
No, it’s “I don’t think you’re doing enough to deal with your problems” first.
Because a lot of people I know and see are like “lol I’m a mess” without seeming to do anything to address the situation.
Though that’s aggravated by the capitalist hellscape that makes getting health care difficult.
But also I’m less generous about this because it’s frustrating to be on the receiving end of someone’s crippling anxiety.
And this comic is a cutesy, romanticized if you will, representation of it.
…why though?
Reminds me of a favorite line from a song, “I don’t want you to romanticize falling the fuck apart”
I don’t get it. Are they afraid of possibly having a brief interaction with a neighbor?
At one of my jobs there would be like Important Requirements because someone said something to someone, but if you actually skipped the layers and just asked “is it important this be like this?” they usually didn’t care.
Most people I’ve known who smoke are addicted. They get moody and other withdrawal symptoms. No one I know has a similar relationship with alcohol. This is not a scientific study, but that’s been my experience. I know there are alcoholics in the world.
Also nicotine and cigarettes are known to be addictive https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/tobacco-nicotine-e-cigarettes/nicotine-addictive
I’m pretty sure “stopping drinking cold turkey will kill you” is kind of hyperbolic. Most people aren’t drinking that heavily. This thread started on the point of moderate drinking.
I acknowledge that even light drinking is unsafe. I wasn’t aware it that plausibly that hazardous. Unfortunately, many things are unsafe and I don’t think alcohol is going away any time soon. Going out for a drink with friends, there’s probably a bunch of hazards there. Unhealthy foods, car exhaust, staying up late.
Does “hard drug” have an agreed upon definition?
I’m pretty sure cigarettes are worse. Much more addictive, harmful to the user and nearby people, and the cigarette butts I think are an environmental hazard.
Alcohol use is as old as human civilization. I don’t think light usage is that hazardous.
“”" And I know you’re going crazy
And I know you’re going broke
And you’re sitting here and laughing like that’s some kind of joke, but I’m not laughing
And I want you to be careful
And I want you to be smart
I don’t want you to romanticize falling the fuck apart
And I want you to remember that you’re better
And I love you and I’ll see you tomorrow “”"
One of the more powerful supportive songs I know.
You can go out to party without doing heroin.
On the one hand, cigarettes are bad and everyone should quit. And alcohol should be used in moderation. And many drugs are very dangerous and addictive and should be avoided. So this is probably good.
On the other hand, if this means are just sitting home alone, maybe having parasocial relationships with influencers, that’s sad.
Yeah, I’d give it a shot. I’d hire a bunch of experts instead of just shooting from the hip though.
Climate change is a big priority.