I do it with k3s right now on fedora. I like it personally.
Nice thing if you use k8s settings up persistent net storage with something like longhorn is an option too.
I do it with k3s right now on fedora. I like it personally.
Nice thing if you use k8s settings up persistent net storage with something like longhorn is an option too.
We’re social creatures. We need things to talk about so we seek out info on shared interests. “The news” has the added benefit of feeding into a self belief about being civic minded person.
I think it’s ok to have an area of study be a hobby, but if you want to be an activist find something you can actually engage in. If you can’t create real value on the thing. Swing a hammer, shovel, paint, move goods, create program, or one degree away helping coordinate people actually doing that, don’t worry about it. It’s a time suck, and we all have better things to actually do.
The news is full of time sucks like that. Just worrying things you have no responsibility or possible action to deal with. It’s worth occasionally glances to see if there is an interesting hobby you want to pick up or if there a cause you want to engage in, but if your good there I wouldn’t bother.
Harvester cluster my everything. I really want to play around with having my servers being stationary, a togo cluster (laptops, and UPS in a suit case), and PC all in the same cluster.
Right now they are all segmented rke2 clusters, but Harvester should make running vms way easier too.
There was a metaanalysis paper that suggested that saturated fats alone were not highly correlated with heart disease.
Same paper recommend a high fiber diet over a high carb or high protein diet. Which tracks tbh
Distrobox. Building weird projects is nicer when I can start from a fresh system each time.
To discover and adhere to an objectively moral life.
Yeah. I feel like last year is the best full year to have near perfect surveillance of any point or moment. Most actionable data would be found then.
Con: Fertility value sky rockets resulting in either a society led by the fertile or led to force the fertile to breed. Ala hands maid’s tale. Con: hand maid’s tale
Yes and no right? Again randomness or “temperature” is pretty standard
“The same thing every day” is likely to appeal to few.
The echo chamber effect or honestly the worse effect showing just the worst of people you disagree with, is a real issue though. Kind of an effect of selection bias though too
Have you messed with RAG yet? That the leg in the journey to me. I am hoping it will help a little with the “sketchy” part of info.
I am looking forward to latent coordinates plus model being metadata for some frames of videos at least.
You don’t need total precision for every visual representation but it could work as a great compression technique. Assuming we get the GenAI power usage down.
I personally would love to see better simulation of complex systems in games. Games are how we as humans explore the world in safe constraints to learn and grow with less risk. A lot of the limits of games though are just limits of the creators understanding and level of effort it takes to represent that detail of the world, but it means that lesson around the now missing detail can’t be learned.
Another one for me, tailored voice and visuals for technical talks.
Again a lot of what is trying to convened is the actual technical content, but language, accents, verbal tics, cultural specific metaphors, generic or uninteresting visuals can all act as a barrier to that information. Seeing automatic content translation to improve my personal viewing style would be awesome to me!
I mean ironically “the algorithm” is this but with curating instead creating content and people talk about being surprised all the time.
Most models introduce a little bit of randomness or boundary pushing precisely for the reason you mentioned
Focus on finding people you feel safe around and want to and actually enjoy being with. If that’s not your family that’s fine too.
You don’t need to shun people unless they are crossing boundaries. Then absolutely and if you communicated that then that was their choice, not your fault.
Disappointed. Trying to find meaningful ways to protect our migrants community here, so far it’s just supporting the ACLU and trying, and so fucking reason it’s hard to convince people another trail of tears would be bad.
I drove a car with adaptive cruise and it was cool. Still as stressful as some cities subway lines (learning curve for me and most places kind of assume you know). The monorail and Tesla loop in Vegas were both much less stressful but the loop was kind of worthless (just as much walking to it as there was to just walk to the entrance of the convention center). Autopilot on planes seems pretty decent now too, but the cost of flights and layovers still stress me out. They are really only worth to get to a destination for a while and in a rush.
That said the self driving of a subway would be the way I would go if I had to choose a day to day option. As long as it’s consistent and at most one change over it’s not that bad to navigate.
Percentage of votes for a given party can affect debate and ballot access, and federal funding. So it’s not worthless, it just isn’t deciding the president.
Oh man “blue light specials” and the like used to drive me nuts. I never understood why people would buy things they had no plans on buying.
It was a zero percent savings to me.
Dunbar’s number especially when used to contextualize the potential limits of human organization, such as relying only hiring friends and family. The chances that of the 200 people who probably know pretty well also happen to be the best candidate for an important task is low. Most exaggerating case of this is presidential nominees for positions. Like of course it’s the same guy for a few admins, it’s who they know that is remotely qualified.