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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • Not owning a personal vehicle is only okay if you live in the heart of a city …

    Like most people in the western world (and indeed likely in most of the world) do.

    … and don’t go outside of that little bubble.

    Because rental of smaller vehicle services (like taxis, etc.) is totally not a thing.

    The problem here is that you have the American disease (even if you’re not American). You’re so infused with the cultural insistence that there’s only one way to do things … the way things are done now … that you literally cannot conceive of a life without cars (or guns, or with public health care). Despite this being, you know, the norm for most of the world.

  • Switching to an electric car is a 100% reduction in carbon usage for my commute.

    Is it really? Are you positive?

    How is your electricity generated. Coal, natural gas, or oil? Congratulations, your carbon usage is HIGHER with an EV than with an ICE! Is it hydro? Go look at the methane produced by those huge reservoirs. I haven’t seen the calculations, but it’s not neutral.

    Oh, I know. You use solar and/or wind. Now look up the environmental costs of producing those. And of mining the special metals needed for the batteries. Or if you’re nuked, the costs of mining uranium.

    Switching to an EV is not the simple “zero carbon” solution you seem to imagine it to be.