Hand of Juno just released their first album, Psychotic Banana, and I’ve been binging it for a solid two weeks. Good mix of heavy and melodic, and good variation between songs. Got its hooks in me.
I will say, some songs are different enough that they almost sound like different artists, so if you check them out it’s worth trying a few tracks. “Polline” and “Destroy the Line” are my favorite heavy songs. “The One”, “We’ve Built the Line”, and “Not a Game” are my favorites on the melodic side.
Like many respondents on this decorporatized FOSS wang-dang-doodle, my answer is some variation on “Linux for desktop/laptop unless I’m forced to use the W-word” and “Whichever mobile OS makes the browser happen while I’m away from Linux, but I’m sad that it’s not Linux”.