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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • Thank you.

    A big part of why I have severe anxiety to this day is because I was exposed to traumatic things far too young/quickly. I was pushed into situations where I was not ready or emotionally/mentally equipped to handle. Constantly.

    Exposure is only good if a person is ready for it. Desensitization is only helpful when you are equipped to handle such a thing.

    I had an ex who would say that we were doing one thing, then take me to do something completely different, then boast that he was “helping me”, which only heightened my fears in the end. As a foil to that, I had an ex after that who was encouraging and supportive and kind, and gently led me into the same situations, where I knew what I was getting into. Guess how which one had me overcoming my fears?

    Exposure works best if you are prepared for the exposure and have the support you need in those kind of situations.

    I am always thankful for trigger warnings.

  • I used to hitchhike, and one day, got a ride with a trucker hauling blackened animal organs to be turned into pet food (they were blackened as a mark to show they were unfit for human consumption at the place where they were mass harvested). It was the worst smell I’ve ever smelled in my entire life. I remember gagging for a few minutes as the driver laughed and told me what the deal was.

    Still not the worst road story I have lol.

    But be aware of what your pet’s food is made from. Or make your own, if you’re worried about it!

    There’s typically warning against eating pet food on the bags for that very reason.

  • As long as you get one with scales, I’d highly recommend it! They do require at least a 75 gallon habitat, though. Ideally 120 gallons! Also, ideally a front-opening one (they get spooked if you come at them from above).

    Also will need a heat lamp and a long UVB fixture that spans at least 1/3 of the habitat.

    Oh, and they eat insects & greens. Babies eat 80/20 bugs & greens, but transition to 20/80 bugs & greens as adults. Crickets or dubia roaches are the best insect staples!

    My dragon is around the size of my forearm, but they won’t get much bigger than your entire arm.

    As babies, they are very skittish / energetic, but as adults, they are pretty mellow. If you’d like a smaller, chill cuddle-buddy to just hang out with, a dragon is for you!