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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023

  • Yeah if there is no physical damage then it’s a level 1 recovery which tends to have better results. A “cooked” drive doesn’t explain anything about the failure type but I have worked in computer repair for a number of years and it was very common for people to believe their HDD was fried when in fact it was not, sometimes misbehaving software can behave very similarly to a failing HDD. In those cases it’s very simple to do a full data backup off the drive with folder structure still intact, coming from someone who’s been behind the counter at BestBuy, they probably just did a regular data backup (while charging you for a recovery) if your data was still perfectly intact. They love to sell their data recovery service because it’s expensive as hell and techs are actually told not to spend time on renaming and restructuring the data so the techs literally just run some freeware, walk away from your PC and then just hand you a USB (that you also pay for separately) with whatever results got spat out when it’s done. Don’t let them fool you though, Level 1 recovery pretty much anyone can do with some freeware (plenty of good options out there) and spare time. If the drive failed from too many bad sectors and you caught it early then yeah level 1 recovery is still possible but you may still experience some file structure corruption depending on how early you caught it. It becomes a game of luck depending on where the bad sectors exist and how many there are.

    If your drive is experiencing mechanical failure, and it’s bad enough, you can hear it very clearly if you put your ear near the drive while it’s spinning. If you hear a grinding and/or clicking noise that’s usually a pretty solid indicator the the drive is experiencing mechanical failure and a level 2 recovery will be necessary which usually requires a clean room and some very specialized knowledge and tools.

    Also, I should mention, this only applies to mechanical hard disk drives, solid state memory is a completely different beast and data recovery is oftentimes impossible on these types of drives.

  • They definitely charge more than $100, data recovery is one of the most expensive services at Best Buy. Level 1 data recovery, depending on the staff there they may try and perform that in house but level 2 always needs to be shipped out to a clean room and will easily push $1,000+. Also, the reality of data recovery is unless the data being recovered is highly important, it’s almost never worth it. During file recovery, file structure and naming gets destroyed so the results are hundreds of folders with nonsense names filled with hundreds of files with nonsense names and sometimes even missing an extension type, it’s a total mess with no guarantee that the data you need was actually recovered.

  • Absolutely. Go to https://geti2p.net/ to get started. There are some super simple Windows installers that make everything just a few clicks. If you’re on Linux it’s built into the package managers for Ubuntu/Debian but from my experience it’s a lot better if you can get the Java source version working because then it can self update and you’ll always have the most current release.

    Once it’s installed and running let your new i2p router run for a minimum of about 30-45 min to explore the network and build good connections with peers. The longer it runs the more stable it becomes but it should be usable after about 30 minutes on your first start up (subsequent start ups are a little faster after your router gets to know the network a little better). And that’s it! You’re now running an i2p router!

    The only part where things get a little hard is with the proxy settings… Unfortunately there just aren’t enough active devs or funding in i2p to support a dedicated browser like Tor so this is the only side of i2p that tends to get more involved. You need to configure a browser to proxy http requests through the port used for i2p http: 4444. If the i2p router is on the same machine as the browser then it’s just a matter of entering your local address ( and port (4444) into your proxy settings. If your i2p router is remote, you need to use ssh port forwarding on port 4444. Alternatively, there is a Firefox plugin that one of the core i2p devs (idk) maintains which automatically containerizes and proxies all .i2p addresses while leaving normal web traffic alone, it’s called “I2P In Private Browsing”. Only warning that the dev for that project cites is that the plugin, although open sourced, has not gone through any security auditing so there’s no guarantee that no information gets leaked to the clear web - so basically just avoid this if maximum privacy is your goal.

    After your router is started up and proxy settings are configured, you’re good to go! Check out some starter sites like i2pforum.i2p to join in on i2p related discussions and development. notbob.i2p also offers a nice sortable directory of some sites hosted on i2p. Or… Host your own hidden service(s)! The standard i2p install comes with a prepackaged and preconfigured Jetty web server, just start the service from your local tunnels page and you’re now hosting a hidden website!

    The possibilities are pretty much endless from here, anything that communicates on TCP/UDP can be tunneled through I2P. Which by the way is a huge advantage over Tor since Tor does not even support UDP. Unlike Tor, I2P also has a much better incentive for node operators since every user is a node, the more people who use I2P, the faster and better it becomes… A Tor node only gets spun up when someone chooses to donate their resources to the network out of the grace of their heart. This also applies to P2P downloading. In fact… It helps to grab a popular download from an I2P indexer when starting a fresh router as that helps introduce your client to new peers. Torrenting is not even an option on Tor as it is basically DDOS’S the network of limited nodes…

  • That includes NVMe… Just spent two weeks troubleshooting a constant random reboot on my newly built pc… It ended up being the m.2 port on the motherboard that was faulty, not even the drive itself. I’ve been building computers personally and professionally for over 20 years and that was a first for me. Everyone I talked to and every support forum insisted RAM or power supply were the problem but nope! Not this time!

    But the lesson here is, if you have a recurring problem that has no obvious cause… Test EVERYTHING. Start with the common stuff that fails and work your way down: Power Supply -> RAM -> CPU -> GPU -> HDDs -> SSDs -> USBs

    Tips for RAM: It’s usually best to first boot into a ram testing tool like memtest86 and just let that do its thing. That alone is usually all you need to know if you have a memory issue. Sometimes though, results may not make sense, I’ve seen situations where a new stick of RAM fails at almost every block and it turned out to be the slots on the motherboard that were faulty. In that case if results seem a little fishy you can remove all but one stick of RAM in the first slot, run another test, then move that stick of RAM down to the next slot. Repeat until all slots have been tested, you can also be extra thorough if needed and repeat the same test with the other sticks of RAM. That usually helps rule out if it’s a motherboard issue or an issue on the stick of RAM.

    CPU/GPU: usually any old stress test will make any hardware issues apparent with these two.

    SSDs: these can be a little tricky to test especially if you are booting from them but in my case I found that completely removing the NVMe drive solved all my problems (well a mobo rma was the real fix). I couldn’t even boot into a live Linux USB without crashing and rebooting when my NVMe was plugged in. One not so obvious clue that the SSD was acting up was that event logs related to the crash were never written to the drive… Because I/O was outright failing.

    USBs: yes, USBs are on that list. One of my first significant computer issues that I had ever encountered occurred from a faulty USB hub that stopped my PC from even booting up. I took it to two different repair shops they all told me nothing was wrong with my computer, but every time I brought it back home and plugged everything back in… I couldn’t boot. It was a lucky chance that I figured out it was the USB hub, that was not a fun one.

    Now I didn’t even add motherboards to the list because quite frankly I’m not sure how they rank but they are the absolute worst piece of hardware to troubleshoot but luckily it’s usually pretty rare that they fail. There are so many connections and settings built into motherboards that it quickly gets overwhelming trying to troubleshoot anything related to it. From my experience, if you have individually tested every bit of hardware and everything passes its test, most often it’s the motherboard that’s failing, especially if you have already ruled out software/firmware issues for sure. Motherboard issues aren’t always obvious and can often fail in very bizarre ways.

    And as a final bit of advice I’d like to throw out there from my years of experience in PC building… NEVER CHEAP OUT ON A POWER SUPPLY. It affects every single component in your PC and when they fail it can get ugly. I bought a super cheap off-brand power supply one time and pushed that thing to the absolute limits and when it failed it took down more than half of my PC with it, fried my motherboard, CPU, and RAM. Additionally, the risk of fire is not zero when these things fail. Always use ONLY the cables provided for that power supply and nothing else. Those cables are rated specifically for the wattage that can be supplied by that power supply. Also, it’s good to get a power supply that’s roughly 100+ watts more than what your PC needs. This helps in maximizing the efficiency of the power supply as well as increasing longevity due to less thermal wear.

  • Others have summarized it well but I’ll add my perspective also.

    I2P is a decentralized network of peers. All traffic gets routed through multiple peers before reaching its destination. Traffic is also encrypted by multiple layers of encryption and each connected peer can only decrypt one layer, that layer will only contain further routing info so that peer knows the next place to hand off your data. The encryption gets stripped layer by layer until it finally reaches its destination.

    What this ultimately means is that by interacting with a website or service through I2P it is virtually impossible to identify any information the user is sending or receiving and it is also impossible to tell where the connections are going or coming from.

    To make things even more interesting all I2P routers by default also contribute resources back into the network so while your I2P Router is handling your communication connections, it’s also volunteering to be a connection node in someone else’s connection. This adds further security because now you’ve got many Peer to Peer connections going in and out of your network, all encrypted so any prying eyes will have an exceedingly difficult time trying to make sense of any of your internet traffic.

    Tor relies on the good faith of its community to contribute resources to the network and it’s not very well incentivised causing its resources to be far more limited and bogged down. For this reason, Tor cannot sustain heavy torrent traffic without easily being overwhelmed. In I2P, every user is a contributor so the more people who use I2P, the faster and better it becomes.

    The big advantage Tor has over I2P are outproxies and the beautifully prepacked Tor Browser. Tor has a lot more influence and money backing it so there are some large and well protected entities that can afford all the legal trouble that outproxies can bring. Unfortunately there just isn’t enough money or legal support in the I2P community to reliably support outproxies even though I2P already has full support for it.

    I2P is a fantastic tool for private communication across the Internet and the true ELI5 here is I2P natively supports “anonymous” torrenting (even encouraged it as it strengthens the network further) and will do so privately and securely without any need for a VPN. Adding support to QBittorrent makes it even easier to access I2P torrenting with very minimal set up required.

    The only catch here is you can’t go around downloading any old torrent from the Internet on I2P, someone needs to actually be seeding that torrent on the I2P network for you to get any data. There are fully functioning tracker sites exclusively within I2P that have a huge catalog of content but all is not lost for “clearnet” torrents either. Software like BiglyBT and now QBittorrent, allows users to “bridge” or “cross seed” torrents across the two networks, that way content is shared no matter what network you’re a part of.

    BiglyBT has been doing this for a while now but I’m so happy to see QBittorrent finally embracing this as well.

    EDIT: https://geti2p.net/en/