• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Doesn’t work for me on Firefox mobile. Neither “mobile” site or Desktop versions. Hitting “Next/Enter” on my keyboard does nothing, there is no Submit button that I can see, and refreshing the page just resets all fields to defaults.

    I don’t want an Intel with 4gb RAM and a 256GB spinning drive, and OS included? No dice, that’s what I’m offered. Without being able to filter results, its just another craigslist/amazon/newegg front-end … a less useful one.

    EDIT: Turns out there are zero fanless non-Intel, 16+GB RAM, 1024+GB SSD/eMMC offerings with USB-C to list. Strange no-one is packaging an OrangePi 5 Plus like so, but I haven’t seen a fanless heat-sink sufficient to make that a good idea anyways.

    I had tweaked some of the options, but without clearing either-or-both of those last two, especially “fan-less”, all I was getting was the five sponsored “results” the top, which changed just enough to make it seem like that’s all the results I could get.

  • Who said anything about setting up a tax deduction? I’m setting up an indirect benefit to others that counts as an illiquid asset. It’s not an investment since its purpose isn’t profit, and its not charitable since I remain in control.

    Pay attention to the genie’s criteria, and realize: for anyone actually trying to do some good, the IRS criteria might as well be so capricious and arbitrary. With that kind of money and a lot of these organizations, I would rather donate it directly, yes, but there are also plenty of organizations and causes where more money in the pot means more CEO and middleman pay. That, and the IRS, don’t have to count as a valid reason to withhold a single penny for someone that’s supposedly capable enough to have any business managing such a large amount.

  • First up: Capital gains Taxes. That’s $12,000,000 off the top. Next, buying the properties of all my favorite charities, museums, libraries, restraunts, stores, and setting up trusts to keep taxes and such paid on those in perpetuity … That alone should do it, within a large enough radius, but anyways … buy up the most inefficient air-planes, cruise-liners, cargo ships I can find and straight up ground/dock them or upgrade them to fix those inefficiencies. Make sure the planes are never flown again, at least not at night.

  • You didn’t read or understand what I wrote at all, did you? I have no problem communicating calmly even when very upset. The problem is there are a lot of people who will keep fucking up until someone yells at them, and suddenly, now their bullshit has been called out, they can do things the right way for a while with no further prompting or seemingly any extra effort. Shit that doesn’t fly in dangerous environments, for starters.

    I get more worked up for having to yell at anyone than I do with whatever the original issue was; Unless lives are in danger: that gets me pretty worked up.

  • No. He and his (not much)older siblings are at an age where, like I said, we need to know if someone got hurt, got in trouble with the law, or broke something, but short of that, a blow-by blow of recent or not-so-recent shenanigans in front of a much younger sibling is doing no one any favors.

    I should be glad he’s not tagging walls, or at least knows I would make him find any property owner and offer to re-paint or pay for such. Its the worst combination of he used to genuinely do and get in trouble for awful things, a lot, and now he’s like that one kid in the class who never does anything wrong beyond steal an extra french fry or ketchup packet, and won’t shut up about their condiment exploits(also still gets in fights and such, but doesn’t talk about that). When you have pregnant classmates, classmates in rehab, and/or pregnant classmates in rehab, everyone gets tired of this shit, not just parents.