Well, presumably more than a few dozen light years away. A few dozen lightyears is nothing on a cosmic scale.
Well, presumably more than a few dozen light years away. A few dozen lightyears is nothing on a cosmic scale.
Ah, I could see that. It can be read either way, but I think the author intended it to be read this way. ‘Wow!’ As the reaction to the father’s statement that he won’t have to work if he does something he loves.
Yes how is the text supposed to for?
"What is grief if not love perservering?’
Thank you. It’s hard, but it’s worth it.
Had to say goodbye to my cat this weekend.
The past month or so, he’d become very demanding for attention in the middle of the day, crawling all over the desk and nibbling at my hands if they were typing or using the mouse rather than loving on him.
Every day at almost the same time. And I gave him what he wanted every time.
My Monday would certainly be better if he was still doing it.
Perhaps your award was the friends you made all along…
If you’re still using live journal in 2024, you should win SOMETHING.
We had a Garden Spider for one summer on the corner of our porch.
She was so chill and we loved having her around. They often rebuild that beautiful web every night.
She laid a few sacs, but none of her children stuck in our yard, sadly.
Is it your comic? If so, good job.
I consider myself to have a decent vocabulary, but I would not have gotten sinuous’ definition correct.
Harbinger I knew, but it’s nice to see In a positive example.
The other two were new to me.
Just tried this.
So fast!
This guy’s AI! Everybody grab a pitchfork!
Omg lol
‘Query runs much quicker with 10 million fewer rows, Dave.’
I thought for the longest time that homeopathy was just a generic name for alternative medicines or something. Wasn’t for me regardless so I never gave it a second thought or dug into it.
Someone recently explained what it was to me and I just started laughing. Hilarious. Kinda. I had no clue.
I believe it’s this one…
You’re not so little anymore!
Cheesy Gordita Crunch is the correct answer, but probably best to also try basic items just for comparison.
I remember the dark days when the Cheesy Gordita Crunch was a limited time offer and it kept going away and coming back. I would always go A LOT when it showed back up. So glad it seems to be a stable staple now.
Oh! And fwiw - they actually sell the Fiesta sauce in some grocery stores now… that is one of the key ingredients that makes it so good. That sauce goes well on/in so many things.