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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2024

  • I want to utilise my old rasp pi and/or 10400f “old” matx pc with all parts. I need some kind of central home server for storage, jellyfin, seeding torrents and some other self hosted cool things but I am still figuring out where to physically put it even and what kind of case and too many decisions left me paralysed to be honest. As I also want it to look cool. Maybe I will just try to score some used server. In other words I want to do everything and so I don’t really have anything yet but some day it will kick in and I will do it in two days probably

  • If only I had disk space but between 500 GB Skyrim VR and 500 GB msfs and few other such things my measly 5tb space is crowded.
    And the problem with these big modded games is that once you uninstall it it is very time consuming to reproduce same result. Modded Skyrim VR for example modlist was long ago abandoned for something much smaller because it was impossible to maintain by the author. I need to buy some kind of oversized HDD and store such modded games maybe packing them with some kind of installer. It would be nice to rent cloud space for kind of custom steam for modded games.

    I remember when 1tb was like a lot and nowadays I have like 20 of such disks around the house and still drowning in data, maybe because of around 15 tb of family photos and videos.

    So with all that I feel like I have only 100gb for permanent seeding because that space goes first I guess. I am so drowning in data. Even have 4 old phones waiting perpetually for recovering data maybe it is gone already actually f knows. I think I need at some point to buy 50 tb drive for 1500 or so. Painful purchase but like I don’t see any other way

  • I’d kill myself sooner than see myself in the mirror as an old man one day. It’s pretty easy indicator. Old woman - yeah whatever could be nice, old man - no fucking way brr

    And social things, yeah well this is admittedly something that is problematic but I am a firm believer that if you are confident enough, you can get away with just about anything.

    I am just me, Emmie, hello. Nothing less or more and the rest anyone can make up in their heads as they see fit. Not my business

  • No but seriously I was kinda incel once. I barely can remember that time but it involved lots of substances, clubs and things that were supposed to make you manly. Other people enjoyed them, me? I only wanted these things to make me more manly. I thought it can be learned or acquired with enough cigarettes, beer and calling people names and doing stupid ‘acts of masculinity’. I mistook antisocial for masculine I think in this pursuit.
    When I felt empathy? again at 27 years old it was amazing. Like a blind person who has seen colours first time since losing them at the young age.

    It’s truly amazing that we are capable of caring and this deep connection as humans and I don’t think there’s anything more worthwhile.