And what contribution was your original comment making?
And what contribution was your original comment making?
Yeah, I’ve got a lot of channels I subscribe to. I don’t know the total count right now, but last I checked it was 100+. Some of them are daily/weekly uploaders, but I think a majority of them are much less frequent. If I had the means, I’d rather financially support those creators directly, but that’s just impossible for me right now. So at the very least, I’m making my views more valuable to them.
YouTube Premium. I watch a lot of content on YT. I work from home and will generally have something on in the background while I work, so I’m easily consuming 10+ hours of content a day. It’s honestly worth it for me, if for nothing else than to avoid the cat-and-mouse hellscape of adblocking. I’d rather pay $25 each month and have everyone in my family have an ad-free experience on all their devices no matter where they are or what network they’re using, than having to help them troubleshoot browser extensions and DNS settings and PiHoles and all that.
Edit: Absolutely insane that people are upset that I pay for a service I make use out of, lmao
I’ve only been to one once, but it was fun! It’s not the best experience for actually watching the movie, but there’s a slight party vibe that’s very energetic. I wish they’d make a comeback.
I’m with you on that. The combination of inflation and working from home for the last few years have made me borderline agoraphobic at this point. I think I’ve had in-person interactions with fewer than 15 people in the last year. It’s just too expensive to do anything these days.
It’s probably not great for our mental health.
I really wish we had more restaurants like Sonic. Not taste-wise, their food is awful. But I like the drive-in experience.
On the flip side, red is also commonly used to represent love and passion.
I couldn’t stand Linkin Park when they were first getting popular. I felt that they were too edgelord-y for me and wrote them off. Now, I wish I had actually given them a shot earlier on.
You should check out Rainbolt’s Geoguesser runs. He often narrates his thought process as he goes. He’s looking at things like the angle of the sun and shadows to determine what hemisphere of the planet he’s on, looks at the vegetation and soil types to further pinpoint his longitude, etc. He’ll even take photos sent directly to him from viewers, and he’ll find out exactly where the photo was taken, even if that image had never existed on the internet prior.
Some of these guys are insanely talented at this. Rainbolt is probably the most entertaining and educational, IMO. Definitely worth checking out some of his videos.
I feel like “I’m making a personal choice to pirate because my deliberately-crafted use-case scenario is not being specifically catered to” is a worse argument than “I can’t afford it”.
distributors and publishers treating me as a second (or third) class citizen
This is like an F1 racer getting angry at 7-Eleven for not offering fuel that works for his supercar. You’re not being treated as a second-class citizen; you’ve created a situation in which you are above first-class citizens, because you’re using what is, these days, niche and specialized hardware that is far outside of the norm, but for some reason you’re still shopping at the gas station the rest of us peons go to.
I’m gonna be honest with you, there’s probably some red flags that your doctor saw that perhaps you’re unaware of. You say living in your van is a choice; are you being honest with yourself about that? Are you actually taking care of your hygiene this way?
Because one red flag I’m seeing is a van-dweller making a doctor’s appointment in the first place. Usually nomadic/hermitic people (as in, those who choose to live off the grid and aren’t doing so as a matter of circumstance) generally don’t go to the doctor, unless something is really wrong. So for you to show up in a doctor’s office at all is already anomalous in the first place.
It shouldn’t be understated just how important basic things like access to clean running water can be. And you’re using the words “van” and “SUV”, and not “RV” or “motorhome”, which leads me to believe that you aren’t taking care of some basic needs.
If you’re truly taking care of yourself and being healthy, then more power to ya; I’m honestly a little jealous of those who can live that life. But if you’re actually struggling, you should probably consider taking a look at the paperwork they gave you. Don’t get pride get in the way of getting help.
Nah he’s just always had no self awareness when it comes to the noises he makes. Lots of loud chewing while you’re trying to eat, grunting and snorting in the middle of a conversation, full-volume “whispering” in movie theaters, etc. He’s not even hard of hearing or anything (dude hears like a bat, honestly), he’s just a very loud guy lmao
My stepdad would eat bananas with his mouth wide open as he chewed. And he’d chew each bite for a solid minute before swallowing. Even though it’s a banana and you can literally just mash it agains the roof of your mouth with your tongue. He would do this as he was driving, so I think he’d just get distracted and forget that he was still chewing food. But it made every ride to school in the morning an absolute living hell.
So I’m gonna go with bananas.
If I had to guess, I’d say funding and plausible deniability are the big reasons. The longer the war wages on, the longer the US and other allies keep sending them money and weapons. And killing them off slowly makes it easier to argue to the ICC that you weren’t trying to commit genocide, it just kinda happened as an oh-so-unfortunate side-effect of defending themselves.
Because it’s a genocide. The point isn’t to just take out Hamas and say “mission accomplished”, it’s to take out the entirety of Palestine and say “we tried our best to save them”. Hamas has to continue existing in order for Israel to keep justifying every extension to this war.
Open it up without shaking it up or jostling it too much. Is it still powdery all the way through? If so, it’s probably safe.
If you open it up and the mix has any clumps or inconsistent coloring, toss it in the trash because it’s likely been exposed to moisture, which invites a ton of potential problems.
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, but I have made some questionable decisions with old tubs of G Fuel mix and came out alive, so I’m not just making things up but I’m also not somebody you should trust your health with. Be responsible.
Thanks, I need to see an oncologist now.
Ahh, a voice changer right where it belongs: on the ankle.
If you haven’t already renewed your license, do not drive yourself to court. I know that probably sounds obvious, but people still manage to get in trouble doing that. I’d actually recommend taking an Uber or something if your license is still expired; you can get a ride from a friend, but an Uber will at least give you a receipt that you can present to the court in case it gets brought up (and they will ask “How did you get here today?” if you’re still expired).