I will start: I bought myself a few interesting books and i found motivation to start learning more about computers.

  • FollyDolly@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I finally, finally got a decent used car. I didn’t realize how much driving a 2006 shitbox affected my life until I got a 2018 toyota. Holy shit. I don’t have to plan every trip to have multiple stops bc I can’t afford to waste gas. I don’t have to take my big winter coat and negative rated sleeping bag with me everywhere, all the time, because I don’t have to worry about breaking down somewhere and having to wait for a tow truck.

    I have a backup camera, which as someone who has always struggled with parellel parking is a GODSEND. I don’t have to listen to the same CD on loop bc the radio actually works.

    But the best part? The parking brake works. Now I can park on inclines! And the dash lights work too! No more using Waze at night to see how fast I’m going at night!

    I feel like I’ve finally broken the poverty loop! (Well part of it anyway.)

  • InvisibleShoe@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I started getting into gardening and trying to understand what being autistic means for me. Both good for the mental health and I dropped some weight 👍

  • peeBox@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    After completely tearing my back muscles apart back in march, and being in sweet sweet pain for months. I decided to go back to school and embrace my nerd side.

    I started college at 35 and also got accepted in university. I fucking love school (never would have said that at a younger age) and learning about computer networking and cybersecurity!

    I also found love with a mother of 2 kids and it’s been really great, she likes my nerd side and let me do my things :)

    Getting bad injuries can really fuck someone up, and feeling depressed from it all is a legitimate reaction. Seeking help from a social worker (because the wait list for a therapist is insane) was a lifesaver. Talking to someone who is NOT a friend was so refreshing.