• scarabic@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    A boy at my kids preschool wanted to be Anna from Frozen. His parents dressed him as Anna. I don’t think they went out of their way to feminize him - he had no wig or makeup, for example. But he was in a dress, because that’s what Anna wears. Was he a “male version of Anna?” No. Was he going as a female? No. He was just the character. Similarly, if a little girl puts on an iron man suit, is she a “female iron man” or some kind of “Iron Woman?” No.

    So when you say “a male version of a character” I hear that you are not just going as a character who happens to be the other gender but you are putting a specific twist on that character. There’s nothing wrong with that necessarily. But it can definitely go wrong depending on the character and how you handle it. We’d just need more information. It’s one of those things that doesn’t have bright line rules. Like all issues of content offensiveness.