Hey all. I’m heading to Quakecon 2024 tomorrow and will be repping the penguin. I’ve got all my games set up and ready, but was now wondering, are there any extra steps I should take as far as network security goes?
I’m sure I’m not as vulnerable to random badness as the flock of Windows machines that will be on the network, but you never know. The only thing on my list so far is to disable sshd. I thought about installing Portmaster but it has always messed up my DNS in the past…
I’ll probably run Wireshark just to see if I can capture anything interesting there. Do you all have any other suggestions for prepping my PC?
I recommend gumming up the USB ports with chewing gum, and then wrapping the whole under case in a condom with airholes. Finally, lather any exposed peripherals with butter and marmalade, and walk by occasionally to just make intense eye contact and fart.
If that doesn’t work, I don’t know what will.
Checking the basics… You got a firewall right? It’s on? Ports closed?
Are you going to leave your pc unattended? At all?
Negative - that’s why I was thinking of giving Portmaster another go but am open to any solution like that.
Yes the PC will be unattended for many hours at a time.
Unattended? I’d use a bios password and disk encryption
I’d just install UFW and either set the default for incoming and outgoing to deny and unblock the game ports manually, or just set incoming to deny and outgoing to allow.
You could pair that with OpenSnitch to see all attempted incoming and outgoing connections and block them by default, and then just allow the ones you want as they happen.