By “good” I mean code that is written professionally and concisely (and obviously works as intended). Apart from personal interest and understanding what the machine spits out, is there any legit reason anyone should learn advanced coding techniques? Specifically in an engineering perspective?

If not, learning how to write code seems a tad trivial now.

  • Angry_Autist (he/him)
    7 months ago

    Don’t be, there will come a time when nearly all code is AI created, and not human readable.

    You need to worry for the future when big data sites are running code they literally don’t know how it works and have no way to verify because of how cheap and relatively effective it is.

    Then after that LLMs will get better at coding than any human can achieve, but will still be black box human unreadable code but there will be no chain of discipline left to teach new programmers.

    Hardly anyone is taking this seriously because corporations stand to make a fucktonne of money and normal people are in general clueless about complex subjects that require a nuanced understanding, yet strangely arrogant about their ignorant opinions based on movies and their drinking buddies malformed opinions.