This is very real, in my case it wasn’t about the depression but improved mental state was quite obvious even after several days without drinking. This and much better sleep. Maybe it goes hand in hand
Subjective answer but if I were in your situation: me and King going alone? No. If I don’t like the person, then I don’t like the person, I’m sorry. Social gatherings are fine and I’d do my best. But going somewhere for hours with a person I don’t like sounds like a nightmare.
There are a lot of favors I’d do for my kids but there’s a limit and for me as an introvert this is the limit
In my opinion yes, unfortunately. It’ll suffer from Gartner hype cycle soon but it’ll recover and will slowly get better every year to the point it’s really good.
The worst thing is that I don’t see any “stop sign”. Like f.e. with self driving cars it was kind of obvious that it’ll get ridiculously complex in real life situations, thus having a problem with legislation and mass adoption. But with AI? I don’t know, I don’t see any stop sign … Maybe that it never reaches this high mark we all expect?
Ah. The system works.
What? Where I live pissing directly into watter is like the opposite. As my roommate once said: “Didn’t your father taught you how to piss or what?”
So “terrorism” equals “middle eastern”?
I’m not even sure if that bingo is supposed to be pro-vegan or anti-vegan …
Millenial and 5/5, I’d say it depends where you live …
They just called her ‘Thursday’ where I bought it
So true, put this on a tea cup!
I was there for a teambuilding! Beautiful city, I want to return one day
Unpopular opinion but wine.
From my experience majority of people can’t distinguish between 5€ wine and 500€ wine. And even if they do, they say it tastes “a bit better”, not worth the 495€ difference. Pick one that tastes good to you and don’t be ashamed if it’s cheap.
I’m not a US citizen but I’d say if you don’t like US overthrowing governments all around the world, then you should be double concerned it happening to your country. Those data are really powerfull tool for such thing and they have been used for it in case of Brexit. It’s quite shocking to compare a foreign superpower with an advertising company and put it on the same level.
It’s NOT Lupus
A classmate of mine from elementary school is a professional voleyball player. She traveled the world, played for teams in Europe, Middle east and Asia. Eventually she settled in the exact same village as me on the completely oposite side of the country from where we grew up. I didn’t even know until my wife told me that one of our neighbours was born in the same town as me
There’s a new trend with immutable distros and they have some pros and cons. OP’s stance apparently is that they’re the future
Yeah :( As @dunz said, I always try to find the original source but apparently Nemi’s source is their Facebook. And thanks to fantastic Facebook design it’s virtually impossible to find it there